Occupy Melbourne Christmas fun - BBQ, family photos, cricket

Date and Time: 
Friday, December 23, 2011 -
4:00pm to 9:00pm
Flagstaff Gardens

BBQ Xmas Occup[art]y

4:00pm @ Flagstaff Gardens

Colin Mallett has graciously offered to provide us Occupiers with a Xmas BBQ feast! All food will be cooked off-site and provided around 5pm. Plates are provided, but BYO cutlery and good conversation pieces!

OM Family Portrait

6:00pm @ Flagstaff Gardens

Come down to be a part of the family in a series of mass photo shoots!

OM v THC Cricket Match

7:00pm @ Flagstaff Gardens

The first of many epic battles between Occupy Melbourne & The Homeless Collective! Everyone welcome!
