Only a few weeks left to voice opposition to 10 more years of Intervention

By Sabine Kacha

There are only a few weeks left to voice your opposition to the extension of key NT Intervention measures for another 10 years as of 2012. The planned extension of these measures will allow for the continuation of massive human rights violations towards Aboriginal people. One measure, Income Management, has already been announced to be rolled out further in other areas outside the Northern Territory.

Please show your support and have your voice heard and encourage others, organizations and groups to do the same. Even if it is just a few sentences, please do make a submission now due by 1 February 2012.

You can find information for making a submission at

Also, please see below links to further info about the new policies, Aboriginal Elders voices and for taking action.

Even if your submission may not influence policy makers, at least it will go on the public record. The more organizations, groups and individuals will make a submission, the stronger the case will be against the new legislation.

Many thanks for your kind consideration and taking action on this vital issue.

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season and a happy New Year.

Best regards,

Sabine Kacha

Submissions for Stronger Futures due 1 February 2012
The Committee is seeking written submissions from interested individuals and organizations

2. Voices of Aboriginal people

The case against the NT Intervention – 3 Dec 11
Dr Rev Djiniyini Gondarra’s very important response to the 'second Intervention'.
Yananymul Mununggurr, Chief Executive Officer of the Laynhapuy Homelands Association:

“Ramingining Elders say No to the Second Intervention!” – MR 28 Nov 11
Read their Statement

No More! Enough is Enough! – Statement by NT Elders and Community Representatives – 4 Nov 11
Central Land Council Statement, Kalkaringi – 26 Aug 11
Elders Statement - 7 Feb 2011

3. Information about Stronger Futures

Intervention to continue for 10 more years!
The Labor Government, under Julia Gillard and Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin, has introduced “Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory” legislation that extends the racist Northern Territory Intervention for a further ten years. This comes despite its recent community consultations that had demonstrated overwhelming Aboriginal opposition to the Intervention. The Government’s promise to work in partnership with Aboriginal people has once again rung hollow…
Links to various articles at:

Cuts to Welfare Payments for School Non-Attendance - Requested or Imposed?
October 2011 by 'concerned Australians'
"This paper raises a number of questions about the interpretation of consultations with Aboriginal communities across the Northern Territory concerning the link between cuts to welfare payments and school non-attendance. The Federal Government’s recent report, Stronger Futures Report on Consultations, is based on the belief that Aboriginal people support the proposal to remove welfare payments in cases where children do not attend school. ...

Info on the 2011 Consultations in NT Aboriginal communities and the “Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory” legislation and

Still no evidence for Macklin’s Intervention
- A review of the Community Safety and Wellbeing Research Study
5 December 2011 by Dr Hilary Tyler and Paddy Gibson
At the below link is a crikey article published 5 December 2011, explaining how the latest report "community safety and wellbeing report", despite being touted as evidence for the 'second intervention' does no such thing. Instead, despite being driven by government ideology, still manages to call for further increased services and support for smaller communities.
The full, unedited version can be found at:

Cox: Stronger Futures demands are un-Australian
2 December 2011 by Eva Cox
…There has been no announcement of the inquiry and its closing dates despite the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Jenny Macklin’s sanctimonious promise to leave time for submissions….

Another Intervention Is Not The Answer
14 December 2011 by Rachel Siewert
The Government is talking up the same old policies to tackle Indigenous disadvantage but its own evaluations show they're not working. It's time to listen closer to communities, writes Greens Senator Rachel Siewert

Stronger futures in the NT must be a product of the people
19 October 2011 by Amnesty International Australia
"Community consultations are a welcome first step towards tackling Aboriginal disadvantage in the Northern Territory, but any strategies to ensure stronger futures must be community-driven in order to be sustainable, said Amnesty International today.

Cooperation not intervention: a call for a new direction in the Northern Territory
23 November 2011 by Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR)
Aboriginal peak bodies, community welfare and public health groups from around the country are calling for a new direction in policies affecting Aboriginal Australians based on cooperation, not ‘intervention'.

Missed opportunity to reset policy direction and relationships with NT communities
17 November 2011 by Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR)

Australia is failing the children of the Northern Territory – 18 Oct 11 plus
United Nations Hears that Australia Fails its Children in the NT – 11 Oct 11
By ‘concerned Australians’

Information about Income Management

Basic Rights not BasicsCard
Dr John Falzon, Chief Executive Officer of St Vincent de Paul Society, National Council of Australia – 6 Oct 11