My Christmas letter - The Little Drummer Boy

My Christmas letter - The Little Drummer Boy:

Christmas pending, and a new year around the bend, and for many of us in the spate of a week so will come to pass contemplations for a reclamation of personal reforms. Some of us will take on some reforms, and change some of our ways, however for the majority of folk we shall return to business as usual.

The business of self regard, of career at all costs, of building barriers between one another, of turning the blind eye to those who despair, of a focus on the huge consumption of needless goods and services the likes humanity will one day grow weary of.

Few listen to the messages of the great mythic stories that preamble Christmas and the birth of each new year. They would not be lost on us. None greater than the Little Drummer Boy.

Our days are numbered and many of us act as if they are not - the days we walk on this earth are not that many and yet many of us waste most of them. Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are the meek. Blessed are the humble.

Most Australians, like most Americans, and like many Europeans live far removed from the majority of humankind. Most humanity languishes in poverty so abject that they will never be able to rise from it. They live day by day, where the success of life is measured only by having lived a long life.

In our spoiled manifestations, often delusional and ugly, we have become obsessed with the self - whole industries borne. We blame our parents for not having given us more love, when they did give -we demand attention to ourselves to such an extent that it is destructive.

My parents never went to school - they were poor migrants who worked long hours to provide for their six children. My father worked two shifts for most of his life, and he is debilitated from the years of heavy factory work. I will not be taught to have wished for more love and caring than what he could give. What they gave was enough, and this is what I remember. It is not fair to remember what one cannot give. It is wrong.

I remember growing up in witness of those whose bodies were wracked by excessive human labour, who were impoverished, with many stressors to exhaust them, I remember mesothelioma victims, people all wired up gasping for breath - people shouldn't have to live like this I thought.

It would be best for society to relocate itself from selfish blame cultures and demands for exhausting bucket loads of attention from other people. People should not be blamed for another person's lot and rather we should help each other where we can.

Like the The Little Drummer Boy you give what you can, you give what you have, and that is all the love that we need - more is too much.

I am a positivist and though to many folk it does not appear so inspite of an unfolding human rights language, I believe that the world is a better and safer place with the passing of each year. We, fortunately born as Australians, can spend less time on ourselves and more time helping others and hence bring on the humanity.

Example is our only immortality.

Gerry Georgatos
(and thanks to everyone at Indymedia Australia for 2011)


Thanks Gerry
Thanks for all your articles and posts this year on this and many other sites
You have a year of human rights campaigns behind you to be proud of
Congratulations on bringing to light so many injustices
Your work for the homeless and the poor
Your work with the disabled and those who aren't the 'sexy' issues for many other so called human rights campaigners
Congratulations on getting so many children freed from Oz prisons
You are a good man that does not side with anyone or any political mob and I like this about you
You are a fair person because of this
Thanks for being a brother
Merry Christmas to you,
Take care of yourself, Anthony

Merry Christmas Gerry
Love, Ivy

"People should not be blamed for another person's lot"Well said Gerry so now we can trust you will stop blaming white Australia for the Aboriginals lot!and how about"All three major political parties caused the drownings off Java"and"Gillard & the Australian government directly responsible for the tragic drownings off Java" this is the crap you write Gerry ,People smugglers and the idiots that got on a unseaworthy boat caused the deaths, Gerry you contradict yourself all the time I am always suspect on people like you that make out you to be nicer than everyone else i hope you are not trying to tell us how nice you are to cover up how racist you are to white Australia.

Enjoy Christmas while you can Gerry, because Christmas will not be here for much longer at the rate we a letting non christian refuges into the country, in the future we will not be able to celebrate Christmas in public at the risk of offending non christian people like the refuges you are trying to push for.Christmas is nearly dead today because we might offend non Christians that enter our Christian country.

You father did he get a greek back from all the hours he worked?I remember all the greeks coming into Australia and under cutting Aussies we called them Scab under cutters at the time, then the scab under cutters had to work two shifts to live.I have no sympathy because people like your father had no sympathy for Australian workers when they pushed them out of the market by working for half the wage and bad conditions,Who's laughing now Gerry?

Gerry why do you hate white Australia so much? and why are you trying to destroy our way of life by trying to let boat people in to our country who you know will kill Australian culture E.g Christmas and Easter I see through your bull shit Gerry you can't fool me.

Simon don't worry about people like Gerry we all know he is full of shit.I agree with every thing you say good on ya mate.
Gerry likes to make out he's a nice guy helping the Aboriginals but there is nothing you can do to make the Aboriginal people work and get off the piss they have to want to do that themselves until this happens they will be fucked for ever.

I wonder if Gerry can tell us how to fix the Aboriginal people?As far as refugees go he would open the doors and let them all in we the tax payer would be paying for that for ever but I think the money could be better spent on our children's future and hospitals but thats just my opinion

You are a slimy racist who couldn't understand what an intelligent man has to say because your
prejudices are so disgusting they make you revolting

I don't see see where Gerry is being hypocritical in discussing one issue such as how we think of each other
with how we treat refugees, which is pretty shit

I think if you read Gerry's letter again you will see that he says we should stop focusing on ourselves those of us that
have it good which are us Aussies and Yanks and that we should focus on helping those that don't have it so good

In that way we'd help refugees and the poor and we wouldn't be racist like you

Gerry doesn't attack white people, you do by your rants and prejudices and fears

Look at the difference in Gerry's writings and yours Simon L

Merry Christmas to you too, Marta

Let me start off by wishing you a merry Christmas too Marta.
You say"You are a slimy racist who couldn't understand what an intelligent man has to say because your
prejudices are so disgusting they make you revolting"I have nothing against anybodies race I believe God made us all the same the same flesh and blood.What I have a problem with is peoples culture I'm sorry for speaking up but things I find disgusting in peoples culture is thing like arranged marriage, How could a father force his daughter to marry a man she does not love or even like?This is biggest betrayal a father could commit, when I hear of stories like this I just cry with sorrow.I am not saying their culture is wrong just I can not except it but a father that forces his daughter to marry someone she does not love is the slimy one.I am also against cultures that promote female circumcision this is a vile act on a woman these people are slimy in my eyes.I also find Halal and Kosher meat that is practiced by Muslims and Jews disgusting and cruel if you are going to kill a animal for meat make it quick and as painless as possible not saying it is wrong just that it does not fit in with my culture (Australian) and should be banned in this country.I could go on and on about peoples culture that make me sick but I think you get the point and if you are a decent Australian you will agree with these points.

I can tell you have not traveled much Marta let me tell you about racism I was nearly shot in the Philippines for just being a white man in a Taxi the Taxi driver held me responsible for the state of his country because I was white He wasn't so smart when I shot him in the leg with his own gun.Or when I was in Israel the way I was treated for being a Christian was nothing short of Animal like I wonder what would happen if we treated Jews the same way in Australia?Or the way white man gets treated in Africa you are made go to the back of the line when boarding trains buses or Planes with soldiers shoving Guns in your face because you are white.I know what racism is first hand and I don't come within a bulls roar of it.

"Gerry doesn't attack white people, you do by your rants and prejudices and fears" you are wrong this is where Gerrys hate for white man has stemmed from as he writes in
Since the day I was born into this country I have felt the layers of racism, and brutally so. I have been made aware of the colour of my skin, of my parents' country-of-origin, of the fact that I must assimilate in order to have prospects of personal advancement. One day I realised how deep to the bone racism cut. I realised that both my Masters and my PhD research were clearly linked to the racism I have felt. All three projects were research into racism and the pursuit of remedies and closure. However my own personal experiences pale compared to my Aboriginal brothers and sisters and to our Asylum Seekers. However we all suffer alongside them, either through our hostile denial or feelings of shame at our nation's collective racism.He also makes statements like "British colonialists were the 'greatest' slum-builders in history" Coming from a Greek I find it funny that he has not looked at what the Greeks did to people the Poms have got nothing on the Greeks Gerry needs to look at history again but not through a Anti-white mans eyes LOL

Marta would like to hear your thoughts
Regards Simon

Conversation is important, it's imperative however the ways forward are not always easy.
I often write about racism, however though I believe the Australian identity and national consciousness and political landscape to be racist and discriminatory, this is mostly the result of various nescience, however it does not mean per se that I believe people are inherently racist - rather that there is the development and preponderance of racism. There is discrimination without many people meaning to be discriminatory.

Simon, I do recall where we engaged in thread in your response to some arguments I put and the discourse was strong, and I believe healthy, though I don't agree with everything you have to write nor as you don't agree with me.

Racism is something that people feel, and it is something leveraged upon, imposed - it is a condition that arises and effectively what you quoted from me validates an effect I felt, that was dished out and hence validates an existing degree of racism and of racialism.

The reason I involved so much of my research into the subject of racism is because it has a horrifically damaging effect upon peoples and societies, and is destructively divisive.

Simon, I do know my British history and I know what I refer to in terms of 'slum-builders' and I do know my Greek history, having studied that too. Simon, it is you with a foci on a presumption that I am Greek because you head straight to my surname, however I don't view myself by various identities. My experiences bear witness that racism is a fact of life in Australia, and that many non-Aboriginal Australians do deny that Australia owns a hostile racism. I will argue that Australia is veiled by many layers of racism and discrimination - this is not to write that it is picture perfect in others places in the world - it is not. However, Australia with its contemporaneous high social health and human development indexes should have comprehensively disowned a lot of its past without a need to haunt those folk who organised the past. I seek not to judge those past only to improve on the policies and apothegms of the past, and if that means we need to define racist layers and policies and origins of thinking then so be it.

Simon, you cannot surely stay solid and argue against the discrimination, apartheid like, to Aboriginal peoples, the decimation of their right to lands, of the eugenics employed, of the Stolen Generation - the vile and despicable destruction of families and the effect this had and has on historical and contemporary identities. Surely, you cannot believe in your heart that Aboriginal peoples were not discriminated against and incarcerated remnant away from the mainstream because of deep seated racialist discriminations and other racisms.

Surely, you cannot believe that there is no ill feeling, culturally and historically based, on the assumptions of the 'other' and 'otherness', of migrants of today and of narratives past?

The history of humanity has horrific dark palls of racism, discrimination, slavery and class warfare. In Australia, to this day great racisms have continued against Aboriginal peoples, testimony is the bullshit Emergency Response in the Northern Territory.

I do not attack any peoples per se and only the policies and apothegms, the attitudes and acts of those whom I perceive and understand, as you may understand otherwise, as divisive, discriminatory and racist.

There is much anger in many places in our world and you apparently have experience, and improperly so, however it is so, in the Philippines and in Israel as you describe, and I am inclined to believe your experiences because it is the second time I have read of them on Indymedia. However your way is not my way, and how you deal with racism towards you or what you expect of others or how you wish to engage or manage your way through our world is not my way. I do not excuse others for how they have made you feel, and it is an indictment upon them, of them, a responsibility they too own, albeit they are tapping into a consciousness and their predicament. However, you have validated quite clearly that inter-relationships have an effect by impost and that you were made to feel a certain way, however do you read anywhere where I am in anyway denying your experience and especially how you were made to feel? I accept that your cultural and racial identity became a liability in those predicaments and it is not necessarily any personal or individualised fault of your own - rather it is historical, predating you. So why do you appear to reject as valid what others feel? Why do you appear to reject their claims to feeling racism, or that their cultural and historical identities are liabilities in the eyes of those who are not for instance Aboriginal or various other backgrounds?

If I am racist against Anglo-Celtics/Saxons as you impute then do I see my child different from me? Do I view her mother different from me? To answer that, no.

I am about the eliminating by dissemination and discourse, and full on if need be, various layers of racism, various prejudices and nescience.

Racism is pervasive and endemic, it is not confined to Australia however it would be wrongful and immoral, a horrific impropriety, to allege that Australia is not racist. It is racist, its peoples may not racists per se, not the majority, however there are thoughts, inclinations, policies, actions and a consciousnes that is racist. Australia has done horrific wrongs to Aboriginal peoples and to many migrants, and now to our Asylum Seekers, and this wrongs must be owned for there to be ways forward for all of us. The answers will not be found in blaming and rather in understandings.

I would be a racist, even if a passive one, and that is still a full on racist, if said that the inter generational poverty of many Aboriginal communities and peoples was not the result of racism.

Simon, you described what irks you about other cultures, well there are manners and practices about all cultures that do not sit well with me too however we are all the product, soft or hard determinism, of practices borne before and of the conditions we are born into. I could write about animal cruelty and argue that the mass production of animals for slaughter, their en masse captivity in the dark, dank, crammed so they can finish up as fried burgers - beef and poultry - are offensive to me, however much of the Western World accepts this as a by-product of its capitalism, and accepts the salt and additives thumped on humanity to addict them as a contemporaneous cultural by-product - I consider this nescience cruel to animals and humans alike. However, I choose discourse, full on if need be, as the way forward, and where necessary various conscientious objections and in your face challenges and this often does not sit well with those that tell me I am full on or leading to far out from the front lines, however I do not agree with retributive violence, and other long term divisiveness.

I believe that someday we will recognise that everyone in our world has a right to go to wherever they want to in this world, that transmigration is perfectly okay, and that borders are an outdated by-product of excessive self interest, economic equations that hopefully someday are crippled, and iconic nonsense that just wastes the days our lives have been numbered with.

The Australian government was racist when it committed to the Northern Territory Intervention.
Australia is racist when it accepts a detention centre network on its shores rather than receiving humanity.
Australia is racist when it discriminates against someone because of their appearance or the colour of their skin.
However Australia is not alone, it is an endemic global phenomena, however hopefully on the way out.
Simon, all people are born with hope, with good, and there is a common good, and it is this we tap into. We in our lifetimes will not see the best of the common good that is yet to come. We can contribute for the sake of our children's children.


"Simon, I do recall where we engaged in thread in your response to some arguments I put and the discourse was strong, and I believe healthy, though I don't agree with everything you have to write nor as you don't agree with me"Sorry Gerry you got me confused with someone Else never commented before to you only what is on this page!

Gerry name one country that is not racist, I bet you a dinner for your family at any place of your choice you can't name one.I can name at least 20 that are worse than Australia so whats the hang up?every one is racist including you do you have the guts to admit it?Can you tell me what is the best country in the world?I think it is Australia can you name one better?But you do miss the point race has nothing to do with it is culture that divids us not race

when you say "Racism is something that people feel" does that mean you can not be racist to a white man because when people like Asians,Blacks, Greeks,Italians,Arabs call me white man Aussie skip I feel proud and thank God he made me a white man, it does not hurt me because I know my race has contributed more to man kind than any other race e.g the car,plane,jet engine,diesel engine petrol engine,X-ray machine,electricity,you know every thing except the fire cracker and the chop stick or does it make me racist for stating the facts and being proud of my race?

what are you saying Gerry you are not Greek?your parents are Greek that makes you Greek don't tell me because you were born in Australia that makes you Aboriginal,It's like Jesus was born in a stable that does not make him a Donkey does it?.Being born in Australia does not change you race only your culture.

Gerry I suggest you take another look at Greek history you must of missed the bit about slavery, Prostitution and the way they treated women LOL not even the poms were that bad

As for the Aboriginal issue "apartheid like, to Aboriginal peoples" They impose apartheid on themselves by living in the middle of no where ,Tell them to move to the big smoke and get a job like the rest of us.Aurther Bell sums it up best
"Unfortunately the agendas of the “Aboriginal Victim Industry” ( AVI ) including entities like “ANTaR” and others, seek to
keep the “Focus On”, and to “Burden Us” with, “Events of The Past”.
As stated on "they won't let go".
They want to keep us “Locked, Bolted and Cemented”
In and To, “The Past”. They would have us sitting around campfires eating possums and talking about the "Dreamtime" while the rest of the world, including the refugees, "March On".
There are unlimited examples of the “AVI” and their “Misguided” and “Out of Touch Agendas” and “Grand Plans”, on “Indymedia Australia”.
Or as some of the Irish people have pointed out they copped it far worse than the Aboriginals we don't hear them moaning they get on with life,the Aboriginals should do the same.
If they want a chance to make a go of it the Government should charge them no tax on their income they work for, other than that if you want to be lazy bad luck you get no help from me.

Hi Simon, I can't recall whether you were a Simon or a Sean however, the story of the Philippines and the taxi driver who finished up shot in the leg, you used that example before in a thread of exchanges between us. I responded to all your comments from the threads I had first posted in whether they were about 'veils of racism', 'deaths in custody', or about 'Australia, a racist country'. Ultimately, it does not matter whether we've yarned before or not.

I have never said that Australia is the most racist country in the world. I have written that Australia is a racist country. Australia is most certainly not the most racist country. I have written racism is endemic, pervasive and a global issue.

Many will agree with you that Australia is a great place. For 97% of Australians, excluding the majority of Aboriginal peoples, Australia is a great place according to the United Nations Development Program Human Index charter, November 2 2011 - Australia rated 2nd the world, or from 180 odd countries measured, in human social wealth, in social health, etc. Australians are the world's top median income earners however I don't know if this is a good thing, disproportionate wages world wide dishevelling parity and costs of living. I like Australia, I like the country town I live in, the community setting, however I recognise Australia's problems and the need for it to continue unfolding a human rights language eventually equitably inclusive of the right to be, not the right to have everything, for Aboriginal peoples, and various migrant groups targeted as others historically past were targeted till their cultural narratives were essentially extinguished because they were liabilites to them rather than continue to unfold in the millstream of unity and solidarity.

Simon, in terms of your question to me about "Racism is something that people feel" of course racism can be felt by anyone and of course it can be directed at anyone. A core intention of racism is to exclude someone by means of differentiation.

In terms of who invented what well what you've attributed is by means of an equation, by means of volume rather than by unfolding. Will your argument still hold in a century? Will for instance Asians not be predominately responsible, and by a factor of population weight and levels of education, for most technology to unfold, will you wish then you were born Asian? I hope this is not a thinking to continue to unfold and divide peoples - this type of parochialism is not only divisive it is baseless. Even though the other day I happened to be thinking about Old England and various advancements and inventions - as I was thinking of Jethro Tull - I don't agree with your assumption that 'white people' have invented everything thus far. Simon, what is a 'white person', I usually don't make references to someone as 'white'. By nomenclature, I am white, am I white to you. Are Indians white to you? Or are only northern Europeans white or who have their origin in Northern European. Historically, there have been great advancements across the planet some lost in collapse of time and space and others lost in a focus of history written from one part of the world as total of the world. Anyway, this stuff does not matter to me, it does not matter who invented what, for who is responsible for refrigeration, for understanding critical mass, for first understanding the Archimedean screw, for dispersing speed by volume by mass into flight, and rather what we do with it all, of what benefit is - critical mass has also been used to devastate regions of the earth, to leave nothing standing.

In terms of race, there is only one race - Diogenes, I believe was correct, in that he believed he was a citizen of the world, that we are only human beings, culture is one thing however it is not tied to the assumption of race - in terms of racialism there is only the human being, the rest is manifest, the rest is the property of cultural unfoldings, not racial.

In terms of Greek history I have not anywhere put it up on any pedestal - I do not do that with anything. It is you Simon that keeps on making reference to Greece and Greek history, and who keeps on linking me to some ownership that I must have of any sins that you presume of a Greek heritage - I am as much responsible for Solon's laws or Dracon's laws, or for the Battle of Mesolonghi, or for Spartan ways, as you would be for what the British to the Irish, forcing them into the hedges to learn. This is all nonsense. We are not here to judge people per se and rather to make some of difference by what we do and say and change thinking where we can.

I don't know if Arthur would agree with you about Aboriginal folk being moved on to the 'big smoke'. I have spoken by phone with Arthur a couple of times. What you're describing is the Northern Territory Intervention and the government's racism to move them from their lands to hubs, 21 of them in the NT, the 'big smoke' as you say, however this is racism and discrimination. What they deserve after the apartheid that disenfranchised from the right to accumulate as the rest of have generationally, they deserve the full suite of funding to all basic services in the first instance and to the full suite of services and rights, this they have been denied. Simon, there is an Australian National University report at the moment that reckons that all country towns under a threshold of a 15,000 population should not be subsidised for services from the Australia Regional Development Funds and from the Royalties for Regions, and that they should move to the big cities were they can continue on without the need for governments to subsidise these towns. What is neglected in this report is that most of these country towns do fine, yes we have a few ghost towns resultant from a demand for single industry economies rather than multi factored economies, however most country towns are community settings with reasonable cost of living when compared to the cities. In fact it is the cities that are subsidised extensively and not the country towns - it is the cities with en masse public transport and road networks running forever at a loss, etc., with whole precincts of services subsidised and the demand for more council and state taxes to try and help with the outpaced expenditure to revenue. If folk were moved on as is the demand in the NT to Aboriginal folk, from country towns to the big cities there would be outrage and protestation the likes not yet seen in Australia - however it appears alright for some to say to Aboriginal folk to move on but not to non-Aboriginal folk. Simon, give them their funding, the full suite of it, the services and infrastructure that are their due and allow for Aboriginal advancement by Aboriginal peoples, in the cultural identity sense, so we as a race of humanity can continue living on in together pursuant of harmony.

In terms of Arthur's reference to a victim industry, well I have seen the victims and the volume of victims is immeasurable - that there are such industries borne to be exploited by some is a fact of life, it happens everywhere and much is manifest that need not be - however we need to always be on the alert to not let this form of exploitation dissuade us from the real facts of human misery and human suffering. Happy for you to come with me and see the human misery that coalesces at Street Doctors for the homeless, for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal homelessness and it will be an eye opening witness, there is much misery under the sun (and under the moon), and we cannot turn a blind eye to it or assume because we know of someone who misuses a predicament or languishes in a predicament when they could do otherwise with a little strength that is the way that all are, it is not Simon.

In terms of your fears that we are tied up to a legacy of shame, well Simon we can correct everything in the ways I describe above and hence a new legacy is borne, and we are freed from any shame and rather we would have much to be proud of.


"Happy for you to come with me and see the human misery that coalesces at Street Doctors for the homeless, for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal homelessness and it will be an eye opening witness".Gerry I will take up your offer How can I contact you?But I will be pointing out how these people don't want to help themselves and how they have arrived at their situation.


We go out often. We do it when he comes to Perth, so if you're this way then good but if you're in Sydney or Melbourne and when he's there it's likely he'll do the streets. Contact him on or me at or go to and go to the contact page, we are happy for others to come along on when helping those destitute.


Hey Gerry got one Question for you.
Name one (just one) Black country that runs like a civilised country that does not rely on Aid from us whities?
I don't think I will get a answer to that one.
Get the point Gerry?

Grant, you are a fool. I can name all of them. Aid is something that is barely given to these countries and many countries as Gerry writes have been messed up by colonialism. I read where Gerry doesn't refer to whites and blacks but you like Simon keep on referring to the great whites like we are some great white miracle. Well my parents were from Norway and Sweden does that make me supreme white?

These countries you refer are being destroyed by white owned mining companies, white owned oil companies, white owned businesses that take the profits to the boards in the USA, the UK, the Netherlands and to everywhere but where they rightly belong.

To Simon, you asked me a few questions and I do not agree with female circumcision or with forced marriages but that is not our culture and it is for them to change as Gerry writes. I think Gerry has answered you how I would have answered. I agree with his responses. Women didn't have it so good under white man for quite a lot of thousands of years! My Viking ancestors didn't treat women too good nor did we in the last century in this country too and I would argue with you that till recently, till the sixties women in white society had forced marriages, you know family was boss and there was the don't shame us, and we had to live with forced abortions, children taken away from teen moms, we had to live under the whim of violence of men. I read a statistic somewhere from Gerry who did his PhD on prisons that the Australian prison population is 97% males. We women haven't had it so good in Australia you know but things are changing and they changed without other cultures pointing the finger so lets give the other cultures to do their thing in changing or as Gerry says unfolding as we did here.

I shouldn't have called you slimey so I say sorry for that. Merry Christmas, Marta

"To Simon, you asked me a few questions and I do not agree with female circumcision or with forced marriages but that is not our culture and it is for them to change as Gerry writes"
Marta thats the whole point they will not change their culture, Jews and Muslims still practice their barbaric acts on animals in Australia, Indians still practice arranged marriage in Australia and Africans still circumcise women in Australia.In relation to the treatment of women, as I travelled the world I did notice one thing where the men are arse holes the women are good and where the men are good the women are arse holes,as the saying goes treat them mean keep them keen, I don't mean anything bad by this it's just a observation I made
No need to say you are sorry for calling me slimy because I know I am not, as they say it is only the truth that hurts.
I see you could not answer Grants question he does make a good point as racist as it sounds there is none." Well my parents were from Norway and Sweden does that make me supreme white?"I think yes is the answer just look at your compassion for people less off than yourself you have a heart but unfortunately you are waisting it on people that would kill you at the drop of a hat,remember if you ever go to South Africa don't stop at red lights if you do you will be shot and robbed because unlike you they have no compassion for human life especially white people like you.Or don't go to the middle East you might get raped and then locked up in gaol for being raped.

Marta I can tell you are a good person, but you got no idea how these countries are in reality I had the same views as you until I lived in them for 20 years and as a white person it will always be us and them,Having said that I would be pissed off too if I was not born white because then the truth would hurt