MONDAY DEC 5th. *from 8.30 a.m. *Solidarity Vigil for Julian Assange, High Court, The Strand, London

MONDAY DEC 5th. *from 8.30 a.m. *Solidarity Vigil for Julian Assange, High Court, The Strand, London

An anti-war solidarity vigil will be held outside the High Court, The Strand, London on Monday Dec 5th against the extradition of Julian Assange.
The vigil is organised by Veterans for Peace
and London Cathoic Worker

The vigil will start at 8.30 a.m.
*A specific hearing time has yet to be set so check with the following mobile for update on hearing time etc.
Vigil updates and more info Phone/Text 079 392 90576

***Youtube (4 mins) of a previous solidarity vigil

Assange of WikiLeaks became the latest enemy of the U.S. Government following WikiLeaks distribution of this "collateral murder" footage of a massacre of two Reuters journalists and other civilians in Baghdad
and subsequent U.S. embassy cables exposing the nature of U.S.war on Iraq and Afghanistan. The British government opposed his release from HMP Wandsworth last December. Julian has now spent 356 days under arrest without charge, is presently facing extradition without charge to Sweden and eventual rendition to the U.S.

Lawyers for Assange recently filed an application for the chance to persuade judges he should be allowed one last appeal in the Supreme Court.

The bid was lodged two weeks after High Court judges rejected the 40-year-old hacker's challenge to an order that he be extradited to Sweden to face questioning. Assange has been willing to face questioning by Swedish authorites in Britain.

His lawyers now must try to persuade High Court judges at a Dec. 5 hearing to rule that his case raises a question of general public importance and should be considered by the Supreme Court.

High Court judges dismissed defence arguments in their hearing on Nov. 2 upholding extradition.

If Assange's request for a Supreme Court appeal is turned down, he could be extradited to Sweden within 10 days.

Swedish prosecutors have not charged Assange with any crime, but have demanded that he return to Scandinavia to face questions.

More background

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