Mass [re] Occupation at Treasury Gardens this Saturday

Date and Time: 
Saturday, November 12, 2011 -
12:00pm to 5:00pm
Image icon reoccupation poster.jpg35.45 KB
Treasury Gardens

Occupy for the rights of the 99%

Occupy Melbourne is calling the people of Melbourne and all community groups to join us in a mass occupation to defend all Australians rights to free speech.

Occupy Melbourne is fighting the Melbourne City Council's 'notice to comply' in the Federal Court to protect the right of all Australians to protest as enshrined in the constitutional right of political communication. This legal challenge ...may act as an international precedent for how police and local authorities respond to peaceful protests around the world.

Join us in a mass occupation of the Treasury Gardens from 2pm onwards and send a clear message to the federal court and the Melbourne City Council that Australian's civil rights cannot by denied by a local council by-law. Occupy Melbourne in public space and exercise your right to political expression.

Come prepared to occupy saturday night and defend Australian's civil rights

Occupy Melbourne is a peaceful movement that like millions of people around the world seeks economic, social, environmental, political change to create a more just and equitable society.

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