Public forum with RUBEN PEREIRA , guest speaker from Venezuela: Social movements and political change

Contact Phone: 
0415 122 135
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 -
7:00pm to 8:30pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
New International Bookshop downstairs, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria St & Lygon St, Carlton South (enter from Vicoria Parade)

For the 99%!
Social movements and political change

Public forum with guest speaker from Venezuela:
Coordinator of Social Movements for the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America

The rise of the international Occupy movement – from Wall Street to Sydney – reflects the mass dissatisfaction and growing anger with the injustices of capitalism. In Latin America, a united organisation that reflects and fights for the needs of the people – for the 99% – against the greed and destructiveness of the big corporations is changing the shape of politics across that continent, and the world. The Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) was launched by Cuba and Venezuela in 2004 and now includes eight Latin American nations.

RUBEN PEREIRA, from Venezuela, is the Coordinator of ALBA’s Council of Social Movements. He is visiting Australia this month to speak about the Council of Social Movements’ work to strengthen people’s power and unity in the struggle against neoliberalism and imperialism, and for social justice, peace, social security and self-determination, in harmony with nature.

All welcome

Ph 0415 122 135 or 9639 8622

Organised by Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network.
Endorsed by Socialist Alliance.
