Website critical of mining damage wants your input

Left: Rum Jungle uranium mine in the Northern Territory, which produced uranium for the American and British nuclear weapons from 1954 to 1971.

A new web platform for showcasing and exposing mines that have left and/or are leaving a legacy on Australian soils, in Australian rivers and creeks as well as affecting many communities’ and individuals’ lives is calling for your photos, stories (multimedia, video, audio) and information relating to mining legacies across Australia.

Jessie Boylan, the web, multimedia and communication coordinator of the Mineral Policy Institute, writes in an email: "You may already know that the Mineral Policy Institute keeps an eye on mining in Australia and the Pacific. We have been creating some awesome websites that aim to highlight the impact of mining in Australia. This website is called 'Mining Legacies' - basically exposing mining projects Australia wide that are leaving a legacy on the environment, society and culture.

"We want your input; if you have any images from any Australian mining developments, or interviews, video, audio and some information about the projects I would love to showcase it/them on This website will get around to public and policy makers across Australia (and internationally).

"Hopefully to prevent further mining legacies from being made and to keep companies and government accountable for what damage has already been done.

"The website is made in a simple format; allowing for the images to do most of the talking; have a look at for an example of what we want to do.

"I hope to hear back from you with some contribution materials, or ideas about who else might be good to contact."

Stories already up include

o Rum Jungle, Australia’s first large scale uranium mine

o Emuford: Very close to the former mining town of Emuford is an abandoned mine. Emuford is west of Irvinebank, just west of Cairns in northern Queensland.

o Redbank: a copper mine located in the north-east corner of the Northern Territory near the border with Queensland in the Gulf Country.

o Poison Water: Legendary’ polluted creek just west of Irvinebank – even known as “Poison Water”. The extreme pollution from acid mine drainage (AMD) appears to be associated with the long abandoned Montalbion mine, located nearby on an elevated ridge.

Others: All Nations, Chillagoe, Croydon, Eva, Baal Gammon, Irvinebank, Mc Arthur River, Merlin, Mt Garnet, Red Dome, Tabletop.