Occupy Perth continues, it has not taken a break. Occupy Perth is on

The Occupy Perth actually HAS NOT taken a break as first reported through the news media. They did not stop after Sunday night. One group that was there, which is not actually the core Occupy contingent however was established as a link with the news media because of the rally for justice against the CHOGM on Friday, did vote to pack up and left and informed the news media that they would resume on the weekend and hence the mix up. However I have been speaking with the occupiers, protestors and they have been camping, are still camping, are still occupying. On the weekend following the Friday October 28 rally for justice and occupy protest in Perth there were 76 occupiers camping in Forrest Place. On Saturday night there were 72. On Sunday night there 60.

On Monday night they continued to occupy and were up to 60, and a bunch of them put on a hip hop effort - however there were some move on notices by police particularly of Aboriginal persons. I interviewed one of those moved on - story later. On Monday night, in solidarity, the occupiers were joined by the Refugee Action Network Perth who decided to hold their weekly Monday meeting in the midst of the camp in solidarity.

On Tuesday night 50 occupiers called me to ask me to ensure the news media and Australians understood that the occupy Perth had not ceased and was still in full swing. I spoke with Charley Caruso who said that there was a core group of fifteen that was there at all times and that swelled to 50 and 60 as others came in and out, and that various Perth social justice groups come to the Forrest Place site in solidarity to hold their weekly meetings alongside them and spend time.

Occupy Perth continues and full swing, people camping, signs and banners up, guitars and music and getting by on pizzas and peace and the ongoing message calling one social changes, various propriety and equality.

Gerry Georgatos - 0430 657 309