Our Generation Film Screening in Hurstville

Contact Phone: 
0431 962 022
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, November 8, 2011 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
PDF icon Our_Generation_Flyer_new.pdf1021.28 KB
Contact Name: 
Amanda Atlee
Hurstville Entertainment Centre, Civic Theatre

The St George and Sutherland Shire group of Amnesty International Australia will screen the film ‘Our Generation’ at the Hustville Entertainment Centre, Civic Theatre on Tuesday 8 November 2011 at 7pm as part of its Homelands campaign. The National Director of ANTAR, Jacqui Phillips, has agreed to speak at the event regarding the future of remote Aboriginal communities in the NT

‘Our Generation’ traces the impact of government policies on Indigenous peoples living in the Northern Territory since the Emergency Response was rolled out in 2007.

The film draws on the history of colonisation and past laws as context to the current climate. It examines how the basic rights of Indigenous peoples living in the Northern Territory are being undermined, particularly the right to live free from discrimination, to an adequate standard of living, to culture, traditional homelands and to be involved in decision-making processes.

Filled with interviews, the film gives a first-hand account of the day-to-day reality for those Indigenous peoples living in the Northern Territory and a taste of aspirations for the future.

"This is a very important film that everyone needs to see.... It will change your life" John Butler

Tickets will be $15 with profits to be donated to Amnesty International Australia and Thulli Dreaming

Please RSVP to amnesty.sutherlandshire@gmail.com

More about Amnesty International’s work: http://www.amnesty.org.au/indigenous-rights/
More about Our Generation: http://ourgeneration.org.au/
