The Case Against Gillard's Refugee Policy: Forum with Julian Burnside QC

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Occupy Melbourne City Square (Cnr Collins and Swanston St)

Hosted by the Melbourne University Refugee Action Collective.

- Julian Burnside QC, human rights lawyer and refugee advocate

... - A speaker from the Refugee Action Collective

As the Gillard government prepares to shelve offshore processing, the case against onshore mandatory detention in Australia has never been more pertinent. Over 5000 refugees remain locked up behind razor wire, subjected to the traumatic degradation of life in detention under the Australian government. Indeed, rather than upholding Gillard's defence for the proposed deportation of 4000 refugees to Malaysia, the UNHCR finding that conditions in Australian detention centers are worse than Malaysia must be seen as an indictment on the entire system of mandatory detention.

NEXT TUESDAY, Julian Burnside will be speaking on the case for a more humane refugee policy at a special public meeting presented by the Melbourne Uni Refugee Action Collective.

The meeting will be held as part of the ongoing Occupy Melbourne camp at City Square, on the corner of Collins and Swanston St.

MURAC is a diverse coalition of students united in our opposition to the inhumane treatment asylum seekers receive at the hands of the Australian government. We meet weekly in the Lowe Theatre in the Redmond Barry Building.
