Film Screening: Urban Roots

Contact Phone: 
9650 1599
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, November 8, 2011 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email:
Image icon urban_roots.jpg36.16 KB
Contact Name: 
Sarah Day
Ross House 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne

Ross House presents The Big Picture - films for environmental and social justice
The First Tuesday of each month (except public holidays)

Film screening: Urban Roots
plus chats with with Cultivating Community
plus free seeds! Popcorn and mulled wine and ace people

Urban Roots
The industrial powerhouse of a lost American era has died, and the skeleton left behind is present-day Detroit. But now, against all odds in the empty lots, in the old factory yards, and in-between the sad, sagging blocks of company housing, seeds of change are taking root. A small group of dedicated citizens, allied with environmental and academic groups, have started an urban environmental movement with the potential to transform not just a city after its collapse, but also a country after the end of its industrial age.

Cultivating Community
Cultivating Community is a not-for-profit organisation that has grown out of supporting the Community Garden Program on inner- city public housing estates for the DHS Office of Housing. We have evolved into an organisation that promotes and supports the development of community gardening projects as well as environmentally sustainable food production systems across the entire community.

Entry is by donation, the proceeds of which go towards environmental action
