Stop Solar Systems Closure Rally: Save Jobs &fund renewables.

Contact Phone: 
0403 013 183
Date and Time: 
Sunday, October 11, 2009 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Contact Name: 
45 Grosvenor St Abbotsford (off Victoria Street, take 109 tram from city)

Stop Solar Systems Closure
save the jobs,
fund renewables.

The Federal Government must guarantee Australia's first large scale solar power plant.

The building of this plant neat Mildura in North West Victoria is in doubt after compamny Solar Systems went into administration, making 100 workers redundant in the process. This is a huge blow to the effort to transition to renewable energy, and shows why government support of renewables needs to be stepped up.

Construction on the plant would have provided 1000 renewable energy jobs and powered 45,000 homes. Solar systems has already built 3 working solar power systems for remote Aboriginal communities. They had just installed a new production line capable of producing hundreds of solar receivers per week - each receiver is capable of powering 30 - 50 homes.

Join the protest at Solar Systems Abbotsford factory on the bank of the Yarra river, to demand the government put up the investment to save the plant.

2.00pm Sunday October 11
45 Grosvenor St Abbotsford
(off Victoria St, take 109 tram from City)
call 0403 013 183 for more information.
