Freedom Socialist Party meeting: Monday 26 September, 7:00 pm Effective action is needed now on climate change

Contact Phone: 
03 9388 - 0062
Date and Time: 
Monday, September 26, 2011 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Freedom Socialist Party
Solidarity Salon 580 Sydney Road Brunswick

The mainstream media presents the debate around the Gillard Government’s Carbon Tax as a choice between this scheme or nothing. While some in the environment movement argue the government plan is better than nothing, it is important to be clear about what real action on climate change would look like. You are welcome to join this discussion about the way forward.

The meeting will also include a report on campaigns taking place for new agreements across the Australia Public Service that have seen massive votes against management offers, protected action ballots and stop work action.

Dinner, with a vegetarian option, will be served before the meeting at 6:30 pm for an $8 donation.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
To get there by public transport, take the Upfield train to Anstey station or the North Coburg tram to Stewart Street, stop 25. There’s also plenty of free parking at the rear — enter from Staley Street.

For more information call 9388-0062 or email
