Hit the Streets for Abortion Rights! Keep abortion legal in Victoria!

Contact Phone: 
03 93880062
Date and Time: 
Saturday, October 8, 2011 -
12:00pm to 4:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights (CWRR)
Parliament House Spring Street Melbourne CBD

Abortion rights in Victoria are under threat. The Right to Life is organising a ‘March for the Babies’ on October 8, wanting to recriminalise abortion. This anti-choice mobilisation is to bolster reactionary efforts to establish the ‘rights’ of the foetus and wind back Victoria ‘s 2008 reform, which decriminalised abortion. Pro-choicers will rally to make our message loud and clear: ‘We won’t go back! Full reproductive rights for all women now!’

Saturday, 8 October
12.00 Noon, Parliament House
Spring Street, Melbourne

Initiated by Campaign for Women’s Reproductive Rights. For more information or to endorse or support the rally, contact CWRR on 03 9388 0062 or cwrr.justice@hotmail.com



What about full rights for helpless unborn babies do they not count?I would really like to hear what you have to say about the rights of unborn babies or why you think they have no rights.
This is a serious question I just want to hear your point of view I would appreciate it if you could answer please