The Problem With ANONYMOUS: Conclusion?


For the history, start by reading The Problem With Anonymous. That article shows the history of ANONYMOUS in trying to hack Libyan Jamahiriya websites.

We clearly stated that the problem with "Anonymous" is exactly that: it has no ideology. It has no set of principles. It has no charter or platform. It has no points of reference.

The only trademark slogans are:

"We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."

As Mathaba reader ImpulseRelay noted:

God's people don't hide behind masks because they fear no evil. God's people do not say things like "we do not forgive and we do not forget expect us". If God decided today to stop forgiving us and forgetting our sins we are all doomed... Anonymous would have been righteous had they said we must bring all our brothers and sisters to the truth and let them decide. You do not fight the enemy by being just like them. It is also an old war tactic to infiltrate your enemy's ranks by showing your enemy a false enemy of yours. If NATO says they are our enemy it will be easy for the people who NATO has attacked to believe that these people will be friends. Is the enemy of your enemy your friend or is the enemy of your enemy one of their greatest collaborators? Be very careful who you let sit at your table especially if your enemy know who they are.

Yet ANONYMOUS then flip flop and side with the Truth on Libya and Muammar Qaddafi.

Mathaba reader Rachel Baroni observes:

"We are legion" I guess Anonymous is not so secret after all... hmmm an unforgiving legion... For He said to him. "Come out of the man, uncleaned spirit!" Then He asked "what is your name?" And he answered saying "My name is Legion; for we are many". A Legion of unclean spirits whose logo is a zombie with the laurel leaves...

But which ANONYMOUS and all of them or just a group? Anyone can copy their video and black-white letter head and post anything.

Reader Trixin points out the absurdity of trying to go under such a name as Anonymous:

"Anonymous is anyone and everyone who wishes to fly the banner of Anonymous. We're all anons."

That's exactly what they want others to think! I'm not (part of) ANONYMOUS. They don't speak and act in my name. They are doing the wrong things! And I think most of them do it on purpose.

"They posted anonymously for a cause, thus they are Anonymous."

I think it's worth to differentiate anonymous(ly) from ANONYMOUS. Not everyone who wants to stay anonymous is part of the group ANONYMOUS. I think most are not!

BTW some infos about this PSYOP/COINTELPRO:

Qaddafi4Ever comments:

So Anonymous wanna go around and hack Qaddafi sites, but now they say they're for him? Sound like flip-flops to me!

ImpulseRealy replies:

If a group is not constant in it's vision and goal then it will not be your constant ally in times of crises. Flip flopping is never desired in someone you trust to watch your back. Russia is a prime example. No, Anonymous is not to be trusted... I agree with Qaddafi4ever on this.

Other readers express their concerns that ANONYMOUS appears to have a history of being on the globalist banker elite side:

This is NOT by ANONYMOUS. ANONYMOUS is a globalists asset. Check their "Operations". This Videos [supporting Libya and Qaddafi against the banker war] are either uploaded by someone pretending to be part of ANONYMOUS, or it is kind of an new marketing strategy to address different people with different "product varieties" to gain broader trust. -- Trixin

For what is considered the 'central' asset of Anonymous, check out -- EpicFallGuy

When we tried to visit that link, all we got was "Website Offline, No Cached Version Available", which is a rather unusual message. That site in any case is illegally registered as it does not contain valid registry information and gives a Skype VOIP number as contact: +852.81720004

Trixin presents an argument:

What did ANONYMOUS really do till now?

They support WikiLeaks. And it's hard to trust them: 9/11: "silly conspiracy theory" (Assange)
Ask yourself: what did WikiLeaks publish and what didn't they publish? It's mostly stuff that is completely irrelevant, material that is known for long time and some things that obviously are filtered or even planted. ...
For more information on this: see for example:

They are a secret society. How to trust them?

They break into some sites (Visa, Mastercard and Paypal, ...) to pretend to be Anti-MegaCorps and nearly the only thing they publish is the names and passwords of some poor users. Well done? (Please research this yourself via web search).

They try to start some silly (because unsuccessful) "protests/riots" so that the globalists can react with marshal law (with getting support from the majority of sheeple). Latest example:

They advertise themselves as protesting against the Bohemian Grove and then not even 50 people come to the entrance of that site, and on the wrong day!

They do OPs against the Iranian government pretending to be on the side of the "protesters" and so are on the US/Globalist/NATO/NWO side of this conflict. Do some research on the background of the Iranian "protesters" and you'll find the usual globalist sponsored terror groups...

So my point is:

ANONYMOUS pretend to be:

•Anti-MegaCorp (Pro people)
•Anti-Secrecy (Pro-WikiLeaks)
•Anti-Globalist (Bohemian Grove, WallStreet)
•Anti-Regimes (Pro-Democracy)

But this is what takes effect through ANONYMOUS actions:

•Anti-People (e.g. stolen and published usernames and passwords; killed people, see below, ...)
•Pro-Secrecy (they are a secret society; so secret becomes "cool"/accepted)
•Pro-Globalist (marshall law/police state/unfree internet laws/...)
•Pro-Regimes (of course only ugly Pro-NWO/-Globalists regimes)

Classical professionally done PSYOP!

(Just to come back to the videos posted here. There seems to be too much truth and to few "hidden agendas/targets" in it to be published by a PSYOP; perhaps a well done "Anti-PSYOP-PSYOP" 8-) ? )

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”— Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Mia says:

Western Anonymous led by CIA and followed by naive people are working against Gaddafi in a 'operation Libya', but a lot of Eastern anonymous separated from them, when they found out their intentions and fake fight against NATO and US government. That's the whole truth. Don't be misguided.

And again underlining the entire problem with Anonymous not having adopted The Green Charter, Qaddafi4ever points out:

They might "try" to piss off NATO, but that doesn't change the fact they hacked many pro-Qaddafi websites. They have also hacked and taken offline pro-Syrian Ba'athist websites and they have no intention on stopping whatever it is they're doing.

There is no difference between a "Western" Anonymous or "Eastern" Anonymous! Since they have no command structure, leadership, goals, etc., they're just a group that is open to literally anyone to join, which makes it easy for anyone to do stuff under their name.

An anonymous reader says that so long as the message is good, who cares:

It does not matter if Anonymous flip flops as long as the TRUTH OF LIBYA come out and you have to remember the Anonymous is everyone and anyone. Anonymous can be any goverment in the world but can also be any person or group of person. By the action that Anonymous does will speak for itself, if it attack and do harm then you will know that it no good but if inform like it has done in this case about Libya then you know is good.

So, we are back to square one: The Problem With Anonymous.

The way forward for the genuine and good hacktivists whether at Anonymous or not, and whether remaining anonymous or not, is clear. Adopt the clear set of rights and freedoms which were drafted by millions in the Libyan Jamahiriya in 1988 and adopted by the Green Charter Committees (the international movement of Muammar Qaddafi) in 1999: The Green Charter.

Form yourselves into Green Charter Committees, anonymously in secret or in public, and reproduce the Operation Libya Truth video and claim it as your own -- then at least people will know what you stand for. After all the web site of the Green Charter Committees -- -- belongs to everyone and can be copied, adapted, re-posted, circulated.

If the real person or founder or coordinator or whoever behind ANONYMOUS is reading this and we are sure you are, then you too, embrace the Green Charter Movement and run with it -- enter the NATO web sites and post links to