Malalai Joya talk: Ten Years After 9/11 - Pakistan Afghanistan and the Struggle for Democracy

Date and Time: 
Saturday, September 3, 2011 -
6:30pm to 7:30pm
BMW Edge, Federation Square

Malalai Joya shot to prominence in 2005 as a female parliamentarian in the National Assembly of Afghanistan. Since then, she's defied death threats from warlords and Islamists to speak out for the rights of women, and against corruption and foreign occupation. In this seminal address, a week before the ten-year anniversary of 9/11, she talks about what militarism and the 'war on terror' has meant for ordinary people in a region wracked by violence.

This event is part of the Melbourne writers festival and tickets must be purchased through the: costs $30 or $27 concession.
