Australian regime to meet rebel 'NATO rats' in Paris, not Libya

From: Mathaba Share on TwitterFacebook

Shame on Australian acting foreign minister: meeting in Paris with rat representatives for fake democracy in Libya. Image: Australian People's Conference, the true face of democracy in Australia

Acting foreign minister of the Canberra government of Australia, which is not recognized by the original Australian population, Craig Emerson will join other neo-colonial leaders at a meeting with Libyan rebel representatives

Emerson will join other neo-colonial leaders at a meeting with Libyan rebel representatives in Paris, France.

The meeting will not take place in Tripoli, Libya's capital city, because the Libyan Jamahiriya democratic government which still holds 95% support of the people, controls large parts of the city in spite of the full scale invasion by mercenaries under NATO fire power.

The mercenaries in Libya via the rebel "Transitional National Council" have issued a Saturday deadline for cities still held by forces loyal to Leader Muammar Gaddafi to throw in the towel or face a military onslaught.

They have been giving such deadlines for the past six months, but the Libyan people who have a direct participatory democracy refuse to surrender their homes, lives, and national wealth to the terrorists who have been massacring them with over 30,000 dead in Tripoli in the last week alone.

Mr Emerson will join French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister David Cameron and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the meeting with the NTC on Thursday. All of these leaders lack legitimacy among their voters, with the majority opposing them.

In an incredible turn of reality on its head, Dr Emerson said the meeting "would discuss Libya's transition to democracy."

"The Government urges Muammar Gaddafi to give himself up and for his forces to put down their weapons and stop the senseless bloodshed," he said.

Australia is the third largest humanitarian donor to Libya's rebels but in reality the largest because the other two are using money stolen from Libya through seizing $150 billion of assets from banks, but Australia has given its money directly from Australian tax-payers.

Australia has no democracy with the majority of its original black population ruled directly from Canberra, with the entire "Northern Territory" owned by the Queen of England via Canberra.

There is an Australian People's Conference which is the legitimate government of Australia.

Libya, until the war, was Africa's wealthiest state and due to having a direct democracy via a system of people's conferences the national assets, mostly oil, are owned not by private corporations, companies and conglomerates, but by people's committees, with the wealth distributed to the population.

As a result all health care, unlimited including fully funded expenses for operations, travel and accommodation to anywhere in the world, free unlimited education again including all expenses abroad, dental care, housing, electricity, are all completely free of charge and considered a human right.

Each couple upon marriage receives $60,000 to start married life, and half of the price of their car, since both house and transport are considered a human right according to the International Green Charter on Human Rights and Freedoms which has also been adopted by the Australian People's Conference.

After all the expenditure on the above, the remaining money in the national coffers allows for $500 to be paid monthly into each of six million Libyan's individual bank accounts, whether they are working and earning or not. Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi set up this system of direct democracy in 1977.

In Australia, the opposite is true. There is no dental care unless for the wealthy, so millions of Australians have rotting teeth and can do nothing about it. Australia's wealth is far greater than Libya with uranium, gold, bauxite, copper and a host of minerals of all kinds and high values fetching untold trillions of dollars annually. However, this money goes into private companies such as Rio Tinto Zinc and BHP Billiton.

Those private companies pay a trifle to their shareholders, and a small tax to the government in Canberra, which they own in lieu of the people. The government then taxes the people additionally and does little at all for the population who are left to their own devices, with ever increasing taxes, mounting prices of services, and lowering standard of living and health.

For this reason many Australians want precisely a leader such as Muammar Qaddafi to show the way and bring about a direct participatory democracy and the sharing of Australia's wealth among its population. If Libya could do this, why not Australia, they ask.

The Secretary General of the International People's Conference Organization concurs and had urged Australians to join the Australian People's Conference given the void of democracy in Australia, where the people are unrepresented, and government is a top down structure, with Members of Parliament being mostly "rent boys" for elite interests or at best a vent for the steam valve of frustration.

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