Following on from the very successful ‘Keep the Kimberley’ rally on August 14th, campaigners in Melbourne organised on Saturday what is planned to be the first of a series of awareness raising gatherings. See the Walmadan Country is Calling Facebook page for details and other reports, including photos, and a slideshow of photos on Melbourne Protests:
This was another event where the organisers must have felt discouraged by the attendance, not to mention the artists performing to an almost empty hall, but those who did come were rewarded by a treat, with everything from inspiring speeches from, among others, Kutcha Edwards and Neil McKenzie, Kevin Blatchford and Tim Parry, information stalls, food, and a line-up of musicians from Hip-Hop to Latin - ending with some wild dancing. Hopefully the next will be packed out...
As a footnote: campaigners in Ireland opposing a Shell refinery at Bellinaboy blockaded a road on Friday 26 August and dedicated this action as an act of solidarity with the community of Broome. See