Martyrdom or Victory: Truth Soldiers on The Front Line in Libya

You too can support this victory!
There is no way out and we are OK with that: it is always better to die standing than live on one's knees.
Every day we have martyrs.

We don't want to mention their names yet, the time will come to celebrate their lives, know only that they are still living, they are near Allah, and they know as we do that Victory is coming.

In this Holy Month of Ramadan and in the Night of Power, the true Islam of Justice, Truth and Right, of Muammar Qaddafi and the green mujahiddeen, stands in stark contrast to the vile pretense of the hypocrites, the low life rats of NATO who fight only for cowardly thieves.

We are seeing victories in spite of fighting heroically for as long as it takes, against the powerful armies of the world, who however are losing because they lack Allah, Who carries 99 attributes names among them including Power, Truth and Justice, on their side.

Rats fell into the Tripoli Rat Annihilation Program (TRAP) and the army has still not used its significant reserves, prepared for a battle of another year if need be.

The brother Leader Muammar Qaddafi is well and safe, as is his family. Sons are still leading among battles and they have not left Tripoli. Unlike what the lying news media have tried to say by using fake images, and still will be forced to admit, most of Tripoli has not been and can not be taken over by the terrorist rebels even with massive NATO bombing.

Libya has the strongest armed people in the world. For more than 40 years, Muammar Qaddafi prepared his people for this. Even though we hoped this will not happen, we carry defensive weapons, which will ensure that any occupation of Libya can only take place on the murder of at least 3 million people. If NATO wants to go that far, let them.

If NATO continues, for it is not us who will surrender as we know what we are fighting for and we are in the front line battle for the entire world of good people, only opposed by a handful of weak fascist governments and bankrupt western states, if they continue until they kill us all, by that time they will find Africans, Europeans, Asians and even Americans replacing us until they stop.

The greatest weapon that we have is Truth. Those attacking Libya hate the truth and wish to see The Green Book and its accomplishments manifested by the Green Charter and other achievements of the Great Al-Fateh revolution wiped out, and Africa remain enslaved to western banks. Yet, with each of our achievements they destroy, a million more people wake up to who is Qaddafi.

They have already seen what Libyan people are. We are always forgiving, and we love to live in peace. But we are also the most strong resisters of any attempts to take away our land and our dignity. The whole world has seen that even with our hands tied behind our backs, and our feet tied together, and without food and even without water, we continue to fight and stronger by the day.

For every martyr who has their body taken away there are at least 3 who replace them. Our voice, the universal mathaba of the Internet, is able to continue to bring you the truth about what is happening and the promised victory. Even though our journalists are martyred, dozens of you around the world have come to join us in solidarity and working free of charge day and night.

We promise to continue, as Mathaba Libya, to bring the truth to the world via this medium. We will bring news both good and bad. For tactical reasons we can not answer some questions, to ensure safety for those concerned, one example being the foreign independent journalists, but their stories will soon be told. Meanwhile, we also need your support to keep the operation going due to the costs.

We have full time editors and communication bills that need paying as well as logistical issues, to ensure that we can keep bringing you the facts, no matter what happens. Even if we are outside Libya and rely upon U.S. companies for financial transactions, we know that if they shut down those channels, even though all we do is truth news reporting as independent journalists, you will open accounts for us.

We require on average $100-$150 per day to cover essential costs so that we can even expand the level of our coverage and services, to take care of the essential expenses, which have mounted considerably due to the situation, and we know that victory will be for the people and the green flag everywhere.

We keep a record of all donations and subscriptions. Those of you who have contributed and continue to do so, if we regain our assets in future, we will happily repay you more than double what you have given. Please just ensure that each day on average we have at least $120 coming in. Just 100 of you paying a dollar each, or 1 of you each day paying a $100 for a one year gold subscription, or 10 of you signing up for Mathaba Gold monthly subscription, will ensure that we can do this.

For any funds received that total more than our expenses each month, we will put aside for the following one month, and anything in excess of that we will use to EXPAND our services to additional languages, more news coverage, the hiring of additional required full time staff. We are totally and only funded by small advertisers, individual donations and subscriptions, and this allows us to remain independent, and keep going with the truth news that you have come to love.

We thank the many Angels among you who have helped us through these difficult months, and who are helping us in the months ahead. We promise that we will not let you down, and continue to bring you truth. Thank you for your understanding when we occasionally post items from other sources to show other coverage out there, and for the occasional error which we always correct. Although we don't have budgets such as PRESS TV, and others, we have not failed to bring accurate reports day in and day out, with little sleep.

Please therefore give generously and encourage others to do so too. If you need to make anonymous donations, provided they don't exceed $50 Euro, you can make that via Flattr at see the link to Flattr. If you want to pay by credit card or paypal and receive a gift from us of a free subscription, you can donate at -- or if you want to sign up for a monthly subscription you can do so at for all options also see
