5 Sydney Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 August 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 3 July to Sun 25 September 2011: Sydney, NSW
- Art and activism 1960s to now
Sydney University Art Gallery
"A unique and daring exhibition has pulled together some of the most important political artworks produced by NSW's leading Aboriginal artists and put them in one room for the public to see." ABC News
Event details: http://sydney.edu.au/museums/events_exhibitions/art_gallery_exhibitions....
Featured in Video: http://www.abc.net.au/news/video/2011/07/01/3259282.htm

Event: Fri 26 August 2011: Broadway, Sydney, NSW
Rally on Gurindji Freedom Day
Organised by the Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney
Event details: [scroll down page] http://stoptheintervention.org/
Event details: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=189792351084016
Flyer: http://stoptheintervention.org/uploads/files_to_download/Past%20Events/G...
28 July 11 media release from Gurindji spokespeople: http://rollbacktheintervention.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/mr-gurindji_s...
Video of Gurindji strike against NT Intervention: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guge6MI6cTA
WGAR News: Gurindji workers' strike protesting the NT Intervention: http://indymedia.org.au/2010/10/24/wgar-news-australia-a-continuing-geno...

Event: Thu 1 September 2011: Glebe, Sydney, NSW
Book launch: "Walk With Us"
- Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention
To be launched by Nicole Watson and Jeff McMullen
"In "Walk With Us" you will come to understand the harsh realities that Northern Territory Aboriginal people live with every day."
Brought to you by 'concerned Australians': http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/
Event details: [scroll down page] http://www.gleebooks.com.au/default.asp?p=events/launches4.htm
Event details: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/WWU_booklaunches.html
Event details: http://www.amnesty.org.au/nsw/event/26542/
Event details: http://inner-west-courier.whereilive.com.au/events/story/walk-with-us-bo...
Event details: [scroll down page] http://stoptheintervention.org/
Event details: http://indymedia.org.au/walk-with-us-book-launch-1-sept-2011
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/events/48539
Flyer: http://stoptheintervention.org/uploads/files_to_download/concerned-Austr...
Book info and order form: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/media/WWU_Order_Form.pdf
Book info: http://stoptheintervention.org/uploads/files_to_download/concerned-Austr...

Event: Wed 7 September 2011: Parramatta, Sydney, NSW
Building Bridges Course 2011
Graham Merritt - Aboriginal Activism in WA/NT & STICS
Organised by Reconciliation for Western Sydney
Event details: [scroll down page] http://stoptheintervention.org/
Brochure: http://stoptheintervention.org/uploads/files_to_download/Facts-Info/Buil...
Register for course (it's free!): http://www.parramattacollege.com.au/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Parramatta.woa/wa...
Course details: http://indymedia.org.au/building-bridges-2011
Course details: http://www.amnesty.org.au/nsw/event/26384/

Event: Fri 9 September 2011: Manly, Sydney, NSW
Save the Kimberley Community meeting
Event info: http://www.savethekimberley.com/wp/2011/07/13/upcoming-events/
Event info: [scroll down page] http://www.wilderness.org.au/articles/broome-no-gas-hub-campaign-strengt...

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
WGAR Website: http://wgar.wordpress.com/