Active Melbourne Films- Indymedia Melbourne and Ross House docu series

Contact Phone: 
9650 1599
Date and Time: 
Thursday, September 24, 2009 -
7:00pm to 10:30pm
Image icon indymedia-movie-flyer.jpg114.24 KB
Contact Name: 
Sarah Day
Ross House Association 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne 3000

To celebrate Melbourne's role in the landscape of global activism and the recent relaunch of Melbourne Indymedia collective, Mebourne Indymedia and the Ross House Association are launching the Documentary Series 'Active Melbourne Films', films designed to inform and inspire, on Thursday.

We will start with some assorted indymedia clips to celebrate the relaunch of Indymedia Melbourne.

The first main film in the Series is titled ' Uranium – is it a country?', a new German documentary film that looks at Australia’s place in the global nuclear trade.

Nuclear power is back on the European political agenda with increasing public debate about its role in meeting energy needs in a carbon constrained future. Nuclear power plants need uranium and Australia has the world’s largest deposits.

Against this background a group of independent German documentary movie makers journeyed from BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam uranium mine in remote South Australia to the end of the nuclear line at Germany’s nuclear waste storage sites. Along the way they followed and filmed the yellowcake trail and spoke to all sides of this controversial trade. Uranium – is it a country? is the story of their journey and a story of our times.
