World at a Crossroads - Climate Change Social Change Conference

Contact Phone: 
(03) 9639 8622
Date and Time: 
Friday, September 30, 2011 - 7:00pm to Monday, October 3, 2011 - 5:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Rachel Evans
Sidney Myer Asia Centre, Melbourne University

Humanity is in a race against time to avoid environmental catastrophe and social collapse. Climate change is extinguishing species, destroying essential food production and forcing thousands of people to flee island homes. And while the structural causes of last year’s global financial crisis continue unabated, governments are imposing austerity policies on the majority in both the Global North and South, to pay for bail-outs.

And yet, recent events show that there is great reason for hope and inspiration. Ordinary people are determined to fight for social justice and human survival.

The second Climate Change-Social Change conference aims to contribute towards understanding and collective action, in Australia and internationally, to urgently address the climate and social emergencies that we must overcome. T he conference will be addressed by more than a dozen international guest speakers and many more of Australian activists, experts and academics.


JOHN BELLAMY FOSTER, renowned US economist and ecologist, Monthly Review editor and author of What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism (with Fred Magdoff); The Ecological Rift, The Ecological Revolution, The Great Financial Crisis; Marx’s Ecology; Ecology Against Capitalism; and The Vulnerable Planet.

IAN ANGUS, a founder of the Ecosocialist International Network and editor Author of Confronting the Climate Change Crisis: An Eco-socialist Perspective; Food Crisis: World Hunger, Agribusiness and the Food Sovereignty Alternative; and The Global Fight for Climate Justice.


Ly Pisey, marginal workers organiser - Cambodia
Chrek Sophea, marginal workers organiser
Joethi Sahadevan, lecturer in communication - Malaysia
S.Arutchelvan, secretary-general Socialist Party - Malaysia
Angeline Loh, refugee rights campaigner ALIRAN human rights organisation – Malaysia
Farooq Tariq, spokesperson Labour Party - Pakistan
Sue Bradford, former Greens MP & now member Mana Party – New Zealand

The Conference will include three days of feature talks, panel discussions and more than 20 workshops to discuss solutions for a world in crisis
Themes include:

Capitalism, socialism and ecology * People’s power and democracy * The climate debt and the Global South * Refugees, racism and internationalism * Food security and survival * Building movements that can stop climate change * The global nuclear threat * Indigenous resistance, land and sovereignty * Feminism and climate change * Imperialism, war and oil * The market vs social ownership * The dirty record of carbon trading * Population and the planet * Agri-business and sustainable alternatives *The movement against coal seam gas mining …and much more

Organised by Green Left Weekly, Resistance and the Socialist Alliance
Sponsored by the Office for Environmental Programs, Melbourne University

Co-sponsors: Friends of the Earth (Melbourne),, Links International Journal for Socialist Renewal, Labour Party Pakistan (LPP), Sydney University Political Economy Society, Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM – Philippines), Australia-Asia Worker Links, Left Unity Adelaide, Adelaide Climate Emergency Action Network (CLEAN), 3CR Community Radio Melbourne.

Whole conference (including Friday public meeting):
solidarity $100 / waged $60 / concession $20

Public meeting “Capitalist crisis, ecology and socialism” with John Bellamy Foster 7pm, Friday September 30: solidarity $15 / waged $10 / concession $5

Per day (Sat, Sun, Mon):
solidarity $55 / waged $35 / concession $15
To register, offer a presentation or display, or for more information

PHONE: Rachel Evans (03) 9639 8622 Viv Miley +61 408 398 724 or Peter Boyle +61 401 760 577
FAX: +61 2 9281 7184
POST: PO Box A2323, Sydney South, NSW 1230, Australia
