National launch in Melbourne of Earthworker renewable energy cooperative "100,000 Australians" campaign

Date and Time: 
Thursday, August 11, 2011 -
10:00am to 11:00am
Steps of Trade Hall, Fitzroy, Melbourne

National Launch: 100,000 Australians Campaign: PEOPLE’S POWER – A UNION AND COMMUNITY BASED CAMPAIGN: After the success of the campaign launch in Morwell, join us to launch the 100,000 Australians Campaign nationally.

“We are going to grow Australian manufacturing jobs which produce the renewable energy goods and work our way out of the climate emergency,” says Dave Kerin, national coordinator of the 100,000 Australians Campaign.
“Starting with Morwell, Victoria, and then putting the same cooperatively owned factories across the carbon dependent areas of Australia, we are not waiting any longer while spoilers reduce Australia’s chances to pick up the manufacturing opportunities that will come once there is a price on carbon. Forget the blame, we want the jobs!

“Across Gippsland there is popular support for the Earthworker Cooperative’s push towards the first manufacturing plant, Eureka’s Future Workers Cooperative, which will manufacture solar hot water systems.

“In the wage clauses of Enterprise Bargaining Agreements negotiated between unions and employers, workers will have the ability to collectively purchase the goods and services produced by the manufacturing cooperatives, reducing their bills towards zero, creating jobs which never leave our shores and which attach training with a long term future for our young.

“Earthworker Cooperative will enable 100,000 members, at $20 per member, to purchase the factory equipment for Eureka’s Future Workers Cooperative, and we will launch this exciting project at Trades Hall in Melbourne on Thursday 11 August at 10:00 am sharp. Please join us.

A photo shoot will be at 10:00 am for 5 minutes until 10:05 am. The Press Conference will then begin in the Executive Room at Trades Hall after the photo shoot. Tea, coffee and light refreshment will be provided in an adjacent room.
