Never Again! Defend the Fertility Control. Remember murdered security guard, Steve Rogers. Stand up for abortion rights!

Contact Phone: 
9388 0062
Date and Time: 
Saturday, July 23, 2011 -
10:00am to 12:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Debbie Brennan
Fertility Control Clinic, 118 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne (between Powlett & Simpson Sts)

Ten years ago, Steve Rogers was killed at work, defending the Fertility Control Clinic. On July 16, 2001 an anti-abortion terrorist stormed the clinic’s waiting room: A terrifying confrontation ended in Rogers’ death. The clinic remains the target of an ultra-right movement intent on re-criminalising abortion in Victoria and stripping back women’s reproductive choices. On the fourth Saturday of every month, reproductive justice activists defend the clinic and its neighbourhood from a contingent of anti-choice crusaders.

Activists also have to defend their right to free speech against interference from the Melbourne City Council. The Council has enforced local laws that impede their free speech and protest rights, and it threatens to continue this practice if the pro-choicers persist with their public demonstrations of support for the clinic.

Join the July defence to honour the memory of Steve Rogers on the anniversary of his death and say “Never Again!” Come rally for full reproductive rights for all women, and join in building a movement that will secure real choices for women.

Exercise our right to free speech! Bring placards, banners and union flags!

Organised by Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights
