Nepal: Shutdown showdown

By Access

Something very interesting is happening in the Himalayan country of Nepal. The Nepalese government is stepping up its attack on Internet Service Providers (ISPs), forcing them to block sites, cut off access to certain customers, and monitor other users' activities online.

But the Nepalese ISPs are fed up with the government's internet attacks and are putting their foot down. Last Sunday, they took the symbolic step of shutting down the internet for an entire hour in protest! That's right, last Sunday saw Nepal's internet go dark -- a strike by the ISPs in support of internet independence.

With the Nepalese government finally listening, our Nepalese friends tell us a massive global petition could help stop the government's cyber bullying. And it will send a very strong message to governments all over the world, that if they insist on playing rough with our internet, that the people, this time in partnership with the private sector, will re-assert control to keep the internet open and secure for all citizens. Let's help tip the balance in favor of internet independence by signing this urgent petition calling on the government to back off:

Nepal's ISPs are calling for a safe and apolitical operating environment. Instead ISP employees and directors are being arrested and even imprisoned for simply providing internet connections to those who have “misused the service.” The Nepalese police are essentially holding ISPs liable for the actions of their users and have issued instructions to apprehend the directors and employees of two prominent ISPs.

The government is also issuing lists of websites which ISPs are required to censor, and the Nepalese police are actively monitoring the online activity of users with data links of over 1 MBps. This sort of government interference on the net has got to stop. Let's stand in support of these users in Nepal who are monitored, blocked, and harassed. One digital activist has just told us: "We need your help... the best way to influence the government is to let them know they are being watched by the international community." It’s up to us now:

ISPs must be free from fear in order to provide the internet connectivity services, which they are licensed by the government to supply. Yet, intimidating ISPs in order to keep control over the internet is a worryingly increasing trend all over the world. Now, as users, we must work with our new allies, the ISPs, and say no more interference in our right to access the internet. Sign the petition and we’ll work with civil society organizations and ISPs in Nepal to deliver our views, and ensure the fragile Nepalese government responds to the calls of our global online watchdog movement:

With hope,
The Access Team

P.S. A petition to release Ai Weiwei, with signatories from over 100 countries, has been hand delivered to the Chinese Mission at the United Nations. We also followed it up with a letter to the office of the Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, and we’ll keep you up to date with developments.


An analysis of Nepalese politics, dated 7 April, is at

I found it by surfing, so can't vouch for its veracity, accuracy or objectivity. I just have a gut feeling that it got it right.