Boycott Apartheid Israel! Boycott Jericho!

Date and Time: 
Friday, May 20, 2011 -
5:30pm to 8:30pm
Melbourne, Meeting @ the State Library Lawns, Opposite Melbourne Central Train Station

Across the world, human rights activists are gearing up for the 7th year in support of the Palestinian Civil Society's call for Boycotts, Divestment ans Sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

In Melbourne, we have been involved in boycotting Zionist corporations Jericho and Max Brenner.

Jericho is a cosmetics company that exploits minerals from the Dead Sea. While Jericho profits from this resource, the indigenous Palestinian people ...who live on the land surrounding the Dead Sea are regularly denied access. Palestinian access to the Dead Sea is prevented by Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, which include networks of checkpoints, Israeli only roads and the Apartheid Wall. More info @

Max Brenner Chocolates is a 100% Israeli-owned company belonging to the Strauss Group, the second largest Israeli food and beverage company. On the “corporate responsibility” section of its website, the Strauss Group emphasises the support it gives to the Israeli army. The Strauss group is proud that for more than 30 years, it has supported the Golani reconnaissance platoon renowned for its involvement 2006 invasion of Lebanon and other atrocities. As their website puts it:

“Our connection with soldiers goes as far back as the country, and even further. We see a mission and need to continue to provide our soldiers with support, to enhance their quality of life and service conditions, and sweeten their special moments."

More info @

We've already had a good success, getting Jericho removed from Melbourne Central for over 2 weeks... But now they're back, and so are we!

Join us to say no to Israeli apartheid and occupation!

This action has been called by Students for Palestine and the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid.



What a great cause good on ya for taking this action.I will be there to support you on the 20th of May its great to see there are people who care.

Let the cosmetic company have it too and all other Israeli companies