Community protest outside Lowy Institute nuclear forum

Contact Phone: 
0429 900 774
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 (All day)
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Nat Wasley
31 Bligh Street, Sydney CBD

Media release
Wednesday April 20, 2011


What: Community protest outside Lowy Institute nuclear forum

Where: 31 Bligh Street, Sydney CBD

When: Wednesday April 20, 2011 12 noon

Speakers: John Kaye (NSW Greens), Michael Thompson (NTEU Sydney University), Nat Wasley (Beyond Nuclear Initiative)


Protestors say ‘stop Australian uranium fueling more Fukushimas’

A community rally for a nuclear free future will be held at 12 noon today at the Lowy Institute in Bligh Street, Sydney CBD.

The Lowy Institute is hosting a discussion "Asia's nuclear future after Fukushima", led by nuclear industry executives Michael Angwin (CEO of the Australian Uranium Association), Selena Ng (director of AREVA, France's multinational nuclear energy company) and John Borshoff (CEO of Paladin), who oversees uranium projects in Australia and Africa.

The rally has been called in support of people in Japan facing a protracted nuclear catastrophe. It is demanding an end to Nuclear power, Australian uranium exports and plans for a nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory.

Nat Wasley from the Beyond Nuclear Initiative said, “As these executive meet here today in Sydney, uranium from Australia is likely amongst fuel melting down and spreading radiation out from the crippled Fukushima reactor. The situation is now reaching levels comparable with Chernobyl.”

“As key advocates for the expansion of the uranium industry in Australia, Michael Angwin and John Borshoff have contributed to this tragedy and must be held accountable”.

Ms Wasley said the Australian government must cease exports of uranium and end plans to establish a radioactive waste dump in the Northern Territory.

“In February, Resources Minister Martin Ferguson called nuclear power a ‘proven source of clean energy’. This lie has exploded with the Fukushima plant. Nuclear power is no solution to climate change and this toxic industry is blocking a transition to renewable energy”.

“Minister Ferguson is continuing attempts to impose a nuclear waste dump on Aboriginal people at Muckaty in the Northern Territory, with legislation enabling the dump set to pass the Senate in May. Muckaty traditional owners know this industry is never safe. They watch the horror unfold in Japan with grave fears for their own country”.

“We demand an immediate halt to uranium mining and dumping in Australia. We are here to stand with the people of Japan and fight for a clean energy future”.

Contact: Nat Wasley 0429 900 774