Global day of action against military expenditure

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Image icon war is terrorism.jpg11.58 KB
Melbourne: Victoria Barracks- Defence Material Organisation 256-310 St Kilda rd, Southbank

In 2009 alone, global military spending rose to an all-time high amount of $1.53 TRILLION! Because we encounter countless crises in today’s world -poverty, hunger, lack of education, poor health care, environmental issues – it is essential that we come together and create a global movement focusing on what IS important: human lives and their needs. It really is up to us… if not, then who?

The Global Day of Action on Military Spending on April 12, 2011 has been organised to coincide with the release of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI) new annual figures on world military expenditures.

On this day, people on all continents will join together in joint actions to focus public, political, and media attention on the costs of military spending and the need for new priorities. Such events will help us to build the international network around this issue. (This is the statement from:

Some come down to the Victoria Barracks in Melbourne on April 12th if you can to add your voice to the calls for a sane world where we spend money on sustaining life not ever more effective machinery of death.

If you are in another part of the country then organise your own protest no matter how big or small!
