RISE Poetry WorKshops

Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 16, 2011 -
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Melbourne, Ross House Association 247 Flinders Lane

‘Forty Hands’ is an initiative Poetry Workshops facilitated by RISE (refugees, survivors of war and ex-detainees), aiming to explore the power of poetry as a medium of expression and story telling. RISE aims to create a safe space for refugee communities to freely and honestly express themselves, developing self-esteem and confidence. Through promoting self-expression, RISE hopes to increase self-representation, active participa...tion and social equity amongst these communities.

‘40 Hands’ poetry workshops include a series of 4 poetry/story-telling workshops run by Patrick ‘Pataphyics’ Marks—Hip Hop artist and youth worker. With the help of our tutors, the workshops will explore different mediums of writing, the art of poetry, performance and confidence building. After the workshop, RISE is accepting poems for publication in a booklet which aims to educate the wider public of the often unheard experience of the refugee and asylum seeker community. .

This workshop is open to any young person of refugee and/or asylum seeker background. We are seeking vibrant young people to participate in a celebration of our diverse artistic cultures.

Registration is essential and limited space for all participants!

Download registration form here http://riserefugee.org/workshops/poetry-workshops/

Information day 16th of April 3pm-5pm

Registration Closes 30th of April

Workshops will run every Saturday throughout the month of May (3pm-5pm)

For more information please email :- admin@riserefugee.org
