Lake Tyers Blockade Benefit

Contact Phone: 
0423 589 379
Date and Time: 
Friday, March 25, 2011 - 7:30pm to Saturday, March 26, 2011 - 1:00am
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Suveran Michael Puck
Sahara Nights Restaurant 124 Lygon St East Brunswick (near Glenlyon Rd)

There is a benefit dinner/gig scheduled for this Friday 26th March for the Lake Tyers struggle. Representatives from the blockade will be there speaking, as well as a crowd of independent musicians playing their music for goodwill and solidarity. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet with the main players in this rapidly developing story, get some background, and a feel for where the story is heading.

The venue is Sahara Nights, a beautiful Egyptian/Mediterranean restaurant located at 124 Lygon St, East Brunswick (near Glenlyon Rd). The night kicks off slowly at around 7:30pm, and will continue until doors close at 1:00am. Music will start around 9:30pm, and the pace will grow from there.

I cannot go into all the details of the Lake Tyers story here, so please refer to the ABC's coverage for a decent idea of the unfolding story: eg

At this stage I cannot say whether the venue will be below, at, or over-capacity (approx 250 people). I will do all I can to ensure access to Leanne Edwards and others from the Lake for everyone who requests it, no matter how hectic it gets. They will be meeting with Richard Wynne, MP (Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) earlier in the day, so they should be well in the mood for talking. There is sure to be a lot of brainstorming about the next step, so it's your chance to be informed in advance of any moves.

For any further information, please call me (Suveran Michael Puck) on 0423 589 379.
