Defending Human Rights in Nepal - An evening with Peace Brigades (Melbourne)

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Multicultural Hub 506 Elizabeth Street Melbourne, Australia

Where is Nepal five years on from the inspiring peoples revolution of 2006?

Australian volunteer Dan Quinlan has returned from 15 months with Peace Brigades International (PBI) Nepal.

What does it mean to work as an 'unarmed bodyguard' side by side with human rights defenders?
Join Dan and Elise Tillet (PBI France) as they speak about the country’s continuing struggle for justice, democracy and human rights, the work of brave human rights defenders and what the Australian community can do to help.

Peace Brigades International has been supporting human rights defenders for 30 years and currently have projects also in Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico. Physical accompaniment of human rights defenders by international volunteers is backed up by an international support network.

This, and other methods of protection, deters attacks against human rights defenders by sending a powerful message that the world is watching. Find out about the work of PBI in Nepal and other places at this pubic forum.

This event has been made possible by the support of Amnesty International and is also supported by the Humanitarian Crisis Hub.
