Democracy not for sale - sign the GetUp petition

Politicians are elected to work for their employers - the Australian people. But someone else is writing their cheques: to the tune of millions of dollars. Will you join us in calling for an end to corporate and third-party political donations?

Developers given unfettered access to public land; mining companies' rights trumping traditional owners'; childcare services next to poker machines - we may get to vote every few years, but can we match the influence of large corporate donors?

Who's going to change it? The political parties addicted to big dollar corporate sponsorship? This change has to come from those who have a legitimate say over how the country is run: the Australian people. And we need to seize this rare opportunity, while the issue is in the headlines.

Sign our petition calling for a ban on corporate and third-party political donations, and a $1000 cap on individual donations:

Why would corporations donate to political parties if doing so garnered no favours? Whichever way you look at it, big dollar political donations are a form of bribery and should have no place in our democracy.

The only ones who should be able to donate to political parties are individual Australians wanting to engage in the democratic processes that govern their lives. Small donations towards a political cause can be incredibly empowering, and don't have an undue influence on public policy.

Let's bring power back to the people, and disinfect our democracy. Click below to kick-start an end to undue corporate influence on politics:

It might seem like an ambitious ask, but many democracies flourish around the world without any corporate or third-party donations. All we need in Australia is for those outside of the political system to demand change - that's you.

It all begins with your signature on this petition to kick-start a people's movement for an end to undue influence on our democracy. It's time we restored faith in our political system, and create a system of governance we would be proud to teach our children about.

Thanks for being a part of the solution,
The GetUp team

PS - It's pretty ridiculous when you think about it: the people we elect to govern us take money from those who stand to gain from government policy and contracts. But that's exactly how our political system operates - it's democracy for sale.


GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you'd like to contribute to help fund GetUp's work, please donate now!

Authorised by Simon Sheikh, Level 5, 116 Kippax St, Surry Hills NSW 2010