On Politics and Public Space - a public talk by Kim Dovey

Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 7, 2011 -
7:00pm to 10:00pm
Orr St, Carlton

Our talk series kicks off for 2011 with a timely discussion of politics and public space.

What is the role of public space in the struggle for democracy?

Dovey will share his insights on this theme, in light of recent events in the Middle East - where the role of the public square as a place of dissent has been brought into sharp focus.

Kim Dovey is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Melbourne. He has published widely on social issues in architecture, urban design and planning. Books include 'Framing Places' (Routledge, 2008), 'Fluid City' (UNSW Press 2005) and ‘Becoming Places’ (Routledge 2010). He currently leads a series of research projects on place identity, urban intensification, informal settlements and creative cities.

The talk will be followed by light refreshments. Hope you can join us!
