Ferguson what about Fukushima?

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 -
9:00am to 11:30am
Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, Australia

The catastrophic nuclear disaster, that is currently unfolding at Fukushima power plant in Japan, once again exposes nuclear power as an unsafe, highly dangerous alternative to renewable energy’s such, as solar & wind.

Australian uranium powered Fukushima and shamefully, at a time like this, our Federal Minister for energy, resources & tourism Martin Ferguson has chosen to remain silent on his pro nuclear ambitions. In the past week ALL of Minister Fergusons media releases have focused on Tourism. Ironic since From March 21st to 24th Parliament will sit
Minister Fergusons National Radioactive Waste Management bill will go before the senate.

Now is the crunch time to ban all uranium mining & have an open debate on radioactive waste management in Australia.

Australia needs to become a leader in renewable energy's & shut down the natonal pro nuclear lobbyists

Please join us on Tuesday the 22nd of March for a public awareness action & shows solidarity to the Japanese



I don't see the connection between a low level waste site and Fukushima- unless you conflate nuclear power with nuclear medicine. Not a particulatly intelligent attack point on this issue.