Melbourne ICAN Vigil for the people of Japan

Date and Time: 
Thursday, March 17, 2011 -
6:00pm to 7:30pm
Contact Email:
GPO, Cnr Bourke and Elizabeth Sts, Melbourne

As the shocking devistation of the recent disasters that hit Japan on Friday the 12th unfold

ICAN Australia expresses its heartfelt sympathy to the victims of last weekend's devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Among them are the inhabitants of the Fukushima district, who have been forced to flee their homes due to a nuclear crisis that is still unfolding.

Our thoughts are especially with our friends and colleagues in the Japanese peace and anti-nuclear movement who have been directly affected by the tragedy. The ICAN team in Australia has been working hard to ensure that the public receives accurate information through the media about the potential health implications of the radioactive releases.

ICAN and a number of its partners, including Japanese for Peace and the Medical Association for Prevention of War, will be holding a candlelight vigil in Melbourne tomorrow evening to honour the victims of this terrible tragedy, and to show our concern for the safety of those who have been exposed to radioactivity from the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
