Melbourne solidarity action for Bradley Manning

Date and Time: 
Sunday, March 20, 2011 -
11:00am to 11:30am
U.S. Embassy 553 St. Kilda Road

On Sunday March 20th. - around the anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq - anti-war activists will be going to Quantico U.S. Marine Base, Virginia, U.S.A. to demand the end to the torture of Bradley Manning. Join other actions around the world by joining a short peaceful vigil outside the U.S. Embassy calling for Bradley Manning's release. This brave young man is potentially facing the death penalty for allegedly "aiding the enemy" by giving documents to wikileaks. Revealing war crimes is not a crime!

We demand:
* Stop the extreme, inhumane and illegal pre-trial punishment of Bradley Manning
* Ensure that Bradley Manning receives top-notch legal representation from the lawyer of his choice
* Stop any effort by the United States government to hold a secret court martial trial, unchecked by public and media oversight
* Free Bradley Manning!

Info on Global Day of Action in Solidarity with Bradley Manning
