International Summer Camp in Palestine (Rays of Justice)

Date and Time: 
Saturday, May 28, 2011 - 9:00am to Saturday, June 11, 2011 - 10:00pm
Contact Email:;
Contact Name: 
Alaa Yousef
An-Najah National University, Nablus, West Bank, oPt

We are pleased to extend our invitation to join us at An-Najah National University in our International Summer work camp “Rays of Justice” which will be organized between May 28th to June 11th , 2011. This program has been designed to bring 40 individuals from around the world to Palestine in order to foster relationships, exchange skills and ideas, and progress cultural exchange in an academic setting.

The international summer camp will bring together people from around the world who are interested in experiencing the unique place and people in Palestine. Our goal is to host volunteers interested in the Middle East question, from above all, while Palestine may seem daunting, it is also a highly rewarding environment to study firsthand. We strongly encourage motivated and serious men and women to apply.

The daily program of the international summer camp consists of daily voluntary work at the campus delivered by international volunteers to local students on the topics mentioned in the link provided below. In return, the internationals will be involved in workshops that are administered by professors from our University on the Middle East issues that are of interest to them.

For more information, please visit our summer program webpage at:
For the information packet and application form for the summer camp please contact us at: and
It would be our pleasure to host you in Palestine and we look forward to future correspondence.

Yours sincerely,
Alaa Yousef
Zajel Youth Exchange Program
Public Relations Department
An-Najah National University