Message of solidarity with Tasmanian Aboriginal community

On Friday January 8, 2011 the Socialist National Executive adopted the following statement in solidarity with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community's campaign against the planned Brighton Bypass bridge.

"Socialist Alliance supports the struggle of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community to protect their cultural heritage at Kutalayna, the site of the proposed Brighton Bypass bridge over the Jordan River. The Socialist Alliance and left political organisations in Australia have a long history of supporting Aboriginal rights (see The Aboriginal Struggle and the Left, Terry Townsend, 2009). We recognise Australia as Aboriginal land, and we note the absence of any treaty with Aboriginal people and nations to hand over this land to any other government. The nation of Australia is based on land taken forcefully, in ways that are not legally or morally acceptable.

"We proudly stand beside members of the Aboriginal community and other supporters to defend the significant historical site at Kutalayna. We proudly support the Aboriginal community in asserting their sovereignty. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal Land!"

We note that the Tasmanian government is threatening to send in the bulldozers soon and that it is urgent that the campaign gets the broadest possible support. We will do our best to build public awareness of this important and urgent issue and to solicit broader solidarity.

Yours in struggle

Peter Boyle
National Convener on behalf of the Socialist Alliance National Executive