Marxism 2011: Ideas to Challenge the System

Contact Phone: 
0410 861 093
Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 21, 2011 - 6:30pm to Sunday, April 24, 2011 - 9:30pm
Contact Name: 
Socialist Alternative
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University of Melbourne Student Union

Marxism 2011 is the largest annual event on the Australian left, to be run over 4 days during the Easter weekend in Melbourne, Thursday 21 April - Sunday 24 April. The conference features over 70 sessions and international guest speakers on a huge range of topics - from radical history to women's and LGBTI liberation, imperialism and the Middle East, socialist theory, the global economic crisis and workers' struggles today.


International guest speakers include;

* John Pilger: Multi award winning left-wing documentary film maker
* Farah Kobaissy: Leading member of the revolutionary Lebanese organisation the Leftist Assembly for Change, a group which has been actively campaigning against US imperialism and the Lebanese state.
* Lars Lih: Author of the internationally acclaimed book on Lenin: Lenin Rediscovered. What is to be done? in context
* Joe Carolan: Representative of the militant new union Unite in New Zealand which has been organising many previously unorganised workers.
* Anand Gopal: Renowned journalist on the US war in Afghanistan
* Thanasis Kourkoulas: Just Confirmed! Greek socialist and activist from the International Workers Left.
* Shaun Harkin: American socialist from the International Socialist Organization and also one of the leading figures in the immigrants rights campaign in the USA.
* PLUS socialist and activist from the front line of struggle in the Philippines

Australian speakers including

* Aboriginal activist Gary Foley
* Writer Janey Stone
* Socialist authors Rick Kuhn, Tom Bramble and Tom O'Lincoln


* Over 50 sessions dealing with radical Australian history, campaigns for a better world, debates on the Left, LGBTI politics, anti-imperialist struggle, the global economic crisis & revolutionary theory
* Over 10 Marxist Foundations sessions for new people interested in socialist ideas.
* A debate between Tom Bramble and an ALP supporter on the role and history of the Labor party
* A giant left wing book sale
* Film screenings, radical music and social events

Full program available online at
