Michael Moore and John Pilger masterpieces

If your view of America as the evil empire needs refreshing, see Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A love story" and John Pilger's "The war on democracy".

Moore looks at the selling out of the millions of people devastated by the loss of homes and jobs to the interests of fat cat capitalists. Wall Street Journal: "A movie that manages brilliantly to capitalise on the populist anger that has been sweeping the nation."

Pilger explores South American people's yearning for government for, by and of the people and demonstrates the brutal reality of America's foreign policy of 'spreading democracy'. The movie also reveals the remarkable rise of people power across Latin America whose grassroots movements are often ignored by the West.

Fabulous work by two of my journalistic heroes.

Together they run for just over three and a half hours, so just the job for a rainy day? Almost worth taking a day off work for.....


The MM dvd features the role of Goldman Sachs stacking the US Treasury to deliver a $700 Billion socialisation of the costs of Wall St systemic fraud in the home lending sector.

GS have just bought 1 per cent of ... facebook in preparation for a public listing of the estimated $50B privately owned company.

Conclusion: Facebook is 'a major change in society' the way new formula coca cola is a major change in sugar consumption ... not. For facebook to win Time Man of the Year, well I say Assange was robbed!

Thanks Tom for the insight on Facebook - as a editor and contributor to Indymedia I find it incredibly frustrating that so much of the left is now almost exclusively operating online at Facebook and ignoring radical grass roots media like Indymedia. Its ok to use Facebook in the same way that leftists use the corporate tv press to spread ideas but to think its going to be a vehicle for radical social/political change is a joke. Its a corporate owned and operated site that runs for profit. As we have seen with the persecution of wikileaks and Assange by corporations like visa and paypal - when it comes down to it , the corporate controlled internet will do the bidding of governments - no questions asked.

P.S. Diet - yes both films are worth watching, unfortunately MM goes soft on Obama in what is otherwise a good critique of greed of corporate America. The Democrats really are his weak spot.

How to handle ghost town nodes unguarded against secret police pollution and spoofing attacks:

1. Use one-time screen names, so identity theft there cannot blow back against your activities elsewhere.

2. Use arguments that do not require readers to give away any advance credibility.

3. Use features like https, tor, and others to minimise the risk of electronic surveillance.

Exhibit A like Arizona

(Probably the self-refudiated one would even plead innocent if she shoot herself into the foot with some kind of cosmic raygun. She's cannon fodder lost in the political crossfire between her former agency and her former targets, and deservedly so. Just let it leak.)