Protest Against Scientology's Crimes

Date and Time: 
Saturday, January 15, 2011 -
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Flinders St Station

How many families were without their loved ones this Christmas and New Years because of Scientology's Disconnection policy?

How many women have been forced to have abortions last year by Scientology because it's 'easier' for the CoS to make them do that than train another SeaOrg member?
How many people have been abused? How many rapes and sexual abuses have been covered up last year because the rapist was a Scientologist?

So once more, on January 15th, Melbourne Anonymous is meeting again to protest against the crimes of the Church of Scientology.


- MEET AT: 1.00pm at Flinders Street Station Steps. (look for the guys in V masks)
- 1.30 - Move to Bourke Street Mall
- 3.00 - Move to Church of Scientology
- 7.00 - End protest / Post-Raid drinks.


1. "Guy Fawkes" mask (can be purchased at Bernard's Magic Shop on Elizabeth Street, two doors down from Dungeon Crawl. (Cnr. Elizabeth and Bourke Street)
2. Water.
3. Signs (some will be provided however it is good to have your own too)
4. Friends - always need more people.
