Iranian TV interview (4 mins 30 secs) Ciaron O'Reilly on the war, NV resistance, Julian Assange & Bradley Manning

IRANIAN TV interview (4 mins 30 secs) Ciaron O'Reilly on the War, NV Resistance, threatened extradition of Julian Assange, present imprisonment of Bradley Manning

*Interview with Ciaron O'Reilly commences at 9 min 45 secs into this Press TV program and concludes at 14 mins 15 secs


"This is but an unfavorable time for you to visit the southern states. You see what it is to have slavery in a country. In fact, it makes slaves of the whole of us. It now appears that the liberty of the press, and the freedom of speech, about which we have made so many boasts, cannot be allowed, consistently with the public safety, in countries where slavery prevails. There is at this moment no more liberty of speech or of writing in any slave state--and from the accounts we get of mobs and riots in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, the case does not seem to be much better in the free states--than there is at Rome, Vienna, or Warsaw. I suppose that, in either of those cities, a man is at full liberty to express his opinion, in words or print, of domestic slavery as it exists in America. The only questions forbidden to be discussed there, are those relating to the domestic policy of those cities and countries. So here you may denounce Popery and Russian despotism as loudly as you please; but pray be very careful what you say about domestic slavery. In any mixed company, I should not think it safe, just now, to say what I have said here. In fact, I find myself already a marked man." (Richard Hildreth, The White Slave, 1852)