Aborigines half of the youths in criminal detention

Sydney - Aborigines account for half of Australians held in detention under the youth criminal justice system, figures released Tuesday showed.

The Institute of Health and Welfare said indigenous Australians aged 10-17, who represent just 5 per cent of the age group, were 24 times more likely to be incarcerated than other youngsters.

Another report released by the Institute of Criminology said Aboriginal women were 12 times more likely to break the law and were also over-represented as victims of crime.

Around 500,000 of the 22 million population claim Aboriginal heritage and are among Australia's poorest, least educated and most unhealthy people.

Figures show Aborigines are six times as likely to be murdered as other Australians and twice as likely to be hospitalized with assault injuries. They are also five times more likely to be the victims of domestic violence.