Meat workers in Brooklyn, Melbourne, locked out.

ABOUT 140 meatworkers have been locked out of a meat processing plant in Brooklyn in Melbourne's west after picketing their workplace since Friday 10th December. The workers are trying to win a decent pay rise. Their employer Swift Australia, Australia's biggest meat packer and exporter, is only offering them a 2 percent pay rise, for which they are meant to worked for reduced penalty rates on a Saturday. vowed to picket until Christmas if necessary after being locked out of a Brooklyn plant. Union organiser Gary Maas was quoted in the Maribyrnong Weekly as stating the workers, most of whom received $17.30 an hour, were being forced to work 12-hour shifts on Saturdays. The workers have stated they are prepared to stay out to Christmas. If you want to go down to the picket to offer your support and solidarity it is Industrial Park Drive in Brooklyn

Related: Maribyrnong Weekly --- NUW Website



CORRECTION: They've actually been locked out since Friday the 3rd of December