The powers that be.

We all know the great and tireless effort the "powers that be" have put into secrecy and all things clandestine. We know full well their power-trippy ways. Over the last several years, in particular, I believe this has made the world just that much more crazy. Stressed, anyway. A collective global frustration. Why else would there be such an epidemic of conspiracy theorists? People instinctively know when they are being lied to! It's not knowing the details that's made us feel unsafe somehow, suspicious, angry... There's even been a dawning, growing, feeling, of late, that WE are the parents and they are the children, NOT the other way around! Perhaps we've outgrown them.

Ordinarily, "they" know more about us than we could ever know about them! And we've grown up knowing that we will get away with nothing, whilst "they" seem more and more secure in the knowledge that they are above the law, (as long as they keep their secrets, I guess). Ordinarily, they are the "Keepers of the Secrets of Everything", (regardless of democracy), whilst we are the ignorant. So if knowledge and information is powerful then, thanks to our own "Captain Truth", WE are now powerful, are we not? Maybe we could even drag some seriously important arses to court, ourselves. It's a nice thought.

But did I say that too loudly? Because I suddenly realize what a night-mare it would be for them if the people had the power. What a nightmare it must be for them right now. There must be stampedes in the White House and the Pentagon... Parliament House... I know they're not going to give up their monumental efforts at Global Control without a fight. They'd rather do the "same ol'" and find one man to crucify than come clean about their own questionable global social ethics and moral authority.

Although all their balls are sunk there's still the black one... But would they really pull the pin on freedom in "the free world"?

Get ready to fight! (Non-violently, of course).

As for our Australian government. This agonizing, on-going, whimpy behavior you display, seemingly unaware of how you look to us and the rest of the world... this has an expiry date, too. It has to. This structure is so weak it's hard to say what's been holding it up. Ms Gillard, you're no different to the men. You are putting your own people at risk, even willing to toss one overboard, because you are afraid... of something...
I suggest you snap out of it for all our sakes!

