Wikileaks vs the U.S. Empire : Defend Julian Assange, Defend Wikileaks!

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 -
6:30pm to 9:30pm
Resistance Activist Centre 23 Abercrombie St Sydney, Australia

Public Forum Hosted by Green Left Weekly
Speakers include:
Antony Loewenstein, independent journalist & author ofThe Blogging Revolution about the struggle for internet freedom worldwide.
Kylie Gilbert, organiser of Rally4Wikileaks
Stuart Munckton, co-editor Green Left Weekly
...Other speakers to be confirmed.

Wikileaks has released only a fraction of the documents it holds, but already the revelations have shaken the U.S. government to the core.

Evidence of backroom deals, spies and espionage, protection of war criminals and unbridled assault on countries that oppose US domination has been exposed for the world to see.

The U.S. other governments (including the Gillard Labor government here Australia) and media corporations have launched a massive assault on free speech attempting to shut down Wikileaks and threatening its founder, Julian Assange, who is facing questionable sexual assault charges in Sweden.

In a context where the overwhelming majority of governments in the world have a vested political interest in finding Assange guilty it is clear he can not have a fair trial.

Around the world organisations and individuals have sprung into action to defend Assange, Wikileaks and freedom of speech. World renowned independent journalist and filmmaker, John Pilger says of Assange and Wikileaks:

“The defence of Julian Assange and Wikileaks is one of the most important issues of my lifetime. There are now two superpowers in the world — the military power of Washington and the power of public opinion and justice, which Wikileaks represents."

Come along to this important meeting to discuss the profound political implications of the Wikileaks release of the U.S. Embassy Cables and how we can build the campaign to defend Julian Assange and Wikileaks. , for more info ph: 9690 1977
