Wicked Leaks mp 3


Poem with sounds

53 sec 320 kbps stereo 2.1 MB



A new world order would be fine with me, if it was actually new, mundane, and in order, and not the same old superstitious failure appearing under said label. Replacing the totalitarianism of democracy with something more free quickly becomes imperative once it is being understood that systems that were abused require to be changed, while individuals who were abused require to be rehabilitated, and both of it at the same time. Due to competitive sensationalism the expertocratic whistleblowers of old were not able to make such a distinction, and for example when the abuse at Abu Ghraib was leaked the presentation to the public did not only target the perpetrators but also abuse the victims again. Wikileaks on the other hand can make a decision as a network to respect the personality rights of these who never chose to be documented in leaked data, while at the same time revealing what kind of evil the regime is historically. It can have a constitution protecting human dignity better than that of any government, and it also should because that is the most likely thing to make it succeed.