"Don't hold your breath for justice" over outback police killing

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

(comment on police shooting dead an Aboriginal man at Collarenebri in northwest NSW.)

another lost brother at the hands of a gun happy police force.

perhaps, as someone previously stated, this is to take the heat out of the taser abuse discussions that have been ongoing around australia by community legal services, police watch groups and others. all i say is that when dealing with the national police forces then anything is possible.

the excuse that nothing else worked so they, the police, had no choice but to shoot him. details are still very sparse but what the investigation must consider if the use of 'special mental health teams', as used in other countries would have made a positive difference. it is of little use to attempt to train new recruits in this area, this is a specialist area and covers several levels of psychological expertise that takes years of training. if the cops are serious then this is one, and only one, solution that they must look at.

i totally agree with bev manson and others behind this statement that there must be a full and open enquiry but again we must recognise, but never accept, that we will have cops investigating cops. and that will only lead to a cover-up of the true involvement of the cops in this shooting.

the cops using their 'authority' to salt the media with more positive spin is an age-old practice and is used every time to persuade the public, and ultimately the coroner involved in the upcoming inquest, that the cops are innocent of everything.

coroners do read newspapers, listen to radio and watch television news and thus a subliminal message is planted. the case will not be looked at for at least 18-24 months but the seeds are planted.

if the family or witnesses were to do the same, we would be castigated. over the years i have been told that i have spoken out of turn when i have made my views known before an inquest is held. so too must the police be called to account, by their own commissioner, the police minister or the coroner. all must fall under the sub judice laws.

don't hold your breath for justice though.

we extend our condolences to the mason family, to his community and his friends. he will now walk his land in peace.