I speak as a concerned Jew

I am deeply perturbed by what I see as the almost total Stalinisation of the Jewish community worldwide. Free speech is no longer quashed in Israel alone.
Once, comments made by a Jew deemed to be anti-Semitic would be censored by the mainstream media. Now, if a Jew makes any comment that shows apathy to Judaism or certain Jewish ideas these too are censored. So for instance, CNN would never broadcast a Jew making the following statement: “I see nothing special about Jews over and above any other group” or “I care no more about the survival of the Jews as a distinct people than I care for the survival of the Slovenians as a distinct people”.
The politically correct position for a Jew to take is to be “deeply concerned with the survival of the Jews as a people” and to be “fiercely proud of being Jewish” and to believe that “the Jews are the bearers and witnesses to a vital historical message”. This is obviously absurd.
While I have nothing against “my fellow Jews” and certainly wish Jews no harm I simply instinctively believe the above to be a load of rubbish for anthropological reasons too lengthy for this article.
People are people and Jewishness is just one of many identities and I will always believe that, no matter how many times other Jews might “prove” this not to be the case.
Fact: Jews did NOT invent monotheism and Abraham never created a new religion. Judaism is merely an extension of the religion, and a very similar one at that, which was already being practiced by the Chaldeans in Ur. This leads on to another fact: Islam is not based on Judaism; they both derive from the same source.
Funnily I feel very comfortable with being proud of the parts of Jewish culture that have nothing much to do with “chosen-ness”. I love eastern European Jewish food, music and literature. However it is no longer possible to be proud of being Jewish in this way. Jewish communities are now directed by Zionist agencies that set the agenda completely and decide what kind of Jewishness we must be proud of.
Jews are given a clear message throughout all community organisations: If you don’t believe Jews are “special” there is no place for you in the group.
I, for one, cannot tolerate this and plan to find a new identity for myself and my kids. No identity is worth tolerating totalitarianism for.


I knew not all jews were bad here's proof

I can see why you did not put your name to this Mosad would bump you off right