Alexander Downer exposed: a report from Cyprus Indymedia

Below is an article produced by a member of the Cyprus Indymedia collective specifically for publishing on the Australian Indymedia site on the destructive role that former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer is playing in Cyprus in his current role with the UN.

Alexander Downer on the Global Scene
Radical and Mainstream Press: a Convergence?

Cyprus is under military occupation being subjected to ethnic cleansing, genocide and illegal settlement and is now in grave danger of being plunged by the Imperialist powers into another round of mayhem, war and murder.

The "final solution" that our island is being threatened with, is the setting up of a new Apartheid State (just like South Africa and Israel) comprised of two ethnically identified zones replete with a Bizonal Race Law that will be the highest law of the land determining every feature of the entire structure of the new republic: from the Race Law that will govern the Constitution all the way to property rights, electoral quotas and education, civic administration, commerce, etc. All these are to be determined by the new Race Law. Alexander Downer is at the head of the Bizonal Race Law choir in recent years, using overt and covert manipulations to actualize the above Imperialist agenda.

Our population is recently becoming more aware of his personal role in all this, and pressuring the politicians to do something about it. Giant scandals have errupted on the island and on the regional/global diplomatic scene with Downer in the epicenter: leaked documents; back-room deals; sleight of hand; political extortion and political favouritism... all of these methods that are routinely used by organized crime seem to be on agenda now.

Daily newspapers on the island are full of stories detailing Alexander Downer's role in fixing our country on the path of destruction through his special powers as a United Nations representative here. The Parliament has even been pressured by popular anger into opening an investigation of whether Downer has been violating the codes of professional ethics and protocols that are supposed to be observed by diplomats such as him.

The article by a mainstream newspaper below, and the links following it, give a flavour of the turmoil that has errupted in Cyprus with Al Downer in the center of the scene.

Cyprus IndyMedia has been on the forefront of these popular mobilizations against Downer, having helped to spread and popularize the "Persona Non Grata" slogan. Our most recent publication, here,
"Alexander Downer ~ Αλεξάντερ Ντάουνερ"
is simply a creative extension of that campaign. Very few words, indeed, but they convey the bitter sentiments of a betrayed and slaughtered people well enough.

As a group of activist journalists and editors, the Cyprus IndyMedia Collective has been on the forefront of the struggle to unveil the fact that the local United Nations mission in Cyprus is fully entangled with the Foreign Policy arms of the UK/US alliance, and operates as an extension of the United States' CIA, Pentagon and State Department. We were targeted by these forces in the year 2004 when we revealed more of their connections, resulting in another major scandal here in Cyprus:

"Government Admits Investigation Against Indymedia and Petros Evdokas Initiated by US Intelligence"

This was the original article that triggered the illegal actions against us:
"Spies, Murderers, and Creeps
- Management of the 'free dialogue' on the Annan plan"

Some more on that case:
Update on our Political/ Legal situations

Our people are awakening again, and forcing all the political parties to deal with a new reality: self-organized patriots, socialists, anarchists, feminist greens, independent communists and autonomists are re-mobilizing the population to resist the Bizonal Race Law regime that the Imperialists are trying to enforce on our tiny country.

Alexander Downer shall pass, just as the offending air from a bad fart passes on, eventually, no matter how foul. But two forces will remain. What remains is the willingness of our local ruling class and its politicians to do anything to serve global Imperialism. Also what remains is the will of the self-organized people to oppose them, and to struggle for new and old definitions of equality, freedom and liberty.

These two forces will remain, and will fight it out, eventually, on all fronts, and by all means necessary.

"And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'." - Bob Dylan

Petros Evdokas,
Volunteer, founding member,
Cyprus IndyMedia Collective

AKEL: Downer grilling akin to ‘public tribunal’
By Stefanos Evripidou Published on October 21, 2010

PARLIAMENT IS set to scrutinise the role of UN Special Adviser Alexander Downer and his team today in what AKEL boss Andros Kyprianou has labelled a “public tribunal” that will harm the national interest.

The motion to discuss the leaked UN documents referred to in the recently published book “Simademeni Trapoula (Marked Cards)” was tabled by DIKO, EVROKO and EDEK deputies Andreas Angelides, Rikkos Erotokritou and Marinos Sizopoulos respectively.

The documents are believed to contain the private email correspondence of the UN negotiating team with property experts and others, written during the period when President Demetris Christofias and former Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat were discussing the property chapter.

While the UN has not publicly commented on its internal investigation into the documents, in private, officials have let it be known they consider the documents stolen property.

Ruling party leader Kyprianou warned on Tuesday that any effort to create friction with the UN during a critical phase of the negotiations would be “harmful to the national interest”.

If complaints exist about the role of UN representatives, these should be discussed through diplomatic channels and not by setting up “public tribunals” in parliament, he said.

Chairman of the House Institutions Committee, Erotokritou, yesterday hit back, saying that Kyprianou’s statement was an “insult to the legislature, an attempt to gag parliament and undermine democratic institutions”.

“The purpose of the meeting is to safeguard the institutions of the President of the Republic, state officials, politicians, journalists and even top priests from the improper characterisations and improper actions of Mr Downer and his team as revealed in the so-called Downer documents, which have not been denied,” he said.

Erotokritou suggested that the AKEL leader had confused his history, adding, “Whatever his beliefs and wishful thinking, the Cyprus Republic is a fully functioning state where the separation of powers is clear”.

He also indicated that Kyprianou was “protecting and covering for Mr Downer”, describing this as an “irresponsible political act to cover the actions of Downer instead of protecting the institutions and people from neo-colonial mentalities”.

Angelides accused Kyprianou acting in a way that was “irresponsible and detrimental to the Cyprus cause”, hinting that he did not respect the wishes of the majority.

Kyprianou responded yesterday saying that his positions were known and “anyone can judge whether or not they are improper”.

He added: “Right now, our priority should be how to handle the issues in the best possible way for Cyprus.”

According to Erotocritou, all parties bar AKEL are in favour of having the discussion today, meaning that if deputies from the ruling party propose a postponement, they will be outnumbered by eight to three. The EVROKO deputy confirmed that House President Marios Garoyian has also asked for a postponement. If deputies from his party DIKO follow suit, this takes the vote to six to five.

The three authors of the book in question, Achilleas Aimilianides, Michalis Kontos and Giorgios Kentas have been invited to the committee to discuss the UN documents


Further Links about the current situation:

‘Downer inquisition’ to go ahead

Al. Downer: " I have explained, contrary to conspiracy theories which suggest that the UN has a secret plan to impose a solution on Cyprus..."
